Speeches of Global Leadership A Video Conference Exchange: Uppsala University Sweden & Stanford University, USA February 23, 2009
Goals of Today’ Workshop To get to know students from across the world To exchange diverse cultural perspectives on speeches To learn how speeches are situated rhetorically & culturally Focus on rhetorical strategies, persona, Doxa and the canons of style, arrangement, and delivery
Today’s Schedule 18.20-18.30 / 9.20-9.30am (10 minutes) Getting to Know Teams in a Cross-Cultural Context Location: Rooms A, B, C, D, E & F at http://switchboard.stanford.edu. Activity: Introduce yourselves by name, age, course of study, place of origin. Use the white board to write down names and emails; if you like, take a group photo of your teams using the webcam and post it on the whiteboard.
Today’s Schedule (continued) 18.30-19.00 / 9.30-10.00 am (30 minutes) Rhetorical Analysis of Rhetoric in Speeches Activity: In your globally-distributed team, rhetorically analyze the speech assigned to your group.
Today’s Schedule (continued) 19.00-19.20/ 10.00-10.20 (20 minutes) Collaborative Group Work Activity: Open Question Session about your own research projects, your universities, or your cultures. Then, prepare a statement from your team to present to the other groups. Answer the following:
Today’s Schedule (continued) 19.20-19.30/ 10.20-10.30 (10 minutes) Presentation of Team Statements Activity: Presentation of knowledge; teaching other students about cross-cultural learning and developing your own skills of active listening