International Society of Safety Professionals The ISSP is a US registered Non Profit Organization 10600 S. Penn St. Suite 16-553 – Oklahoma City – Oklahoma - 73170 A Global Voice for Safety Professionals Subject: Certified Registered Safety Professional Information Paper. The Certified Registered Safety Professional is an official ISSP certification offered to safety professionals of all industries and communities of practice. To acquire the certification a safety professionals must: Provide proof of their safety education (digital documents only) Provide proof of their safety experience (digital documents only) Pass the on-line examination. Certification prerequisites are: Be a current ISSP member Provide electronic copies of education and experience Pay a $495.00 fee for the exam (study guide included free of charge) Pass the exam Benefits of the certification are: You receive a certificate of certification signed by our Board of Certifying Officials You receive a glass desk plaque You receive a lapel pin Your name and designation displayed on our web site An enhanced Safety Professional Credential backed by an international organization Endorsements – As your safety career progresses you have the option of adding endorsement certifications in specific safety specialty areas. We will soon be offering endorsements in many areas, check back for a listing. Upload your digital documents during the application process on the ISSP web site under the Certified Registered Safety Professional tab. Important Note – when you submit your digital documents include a cover sheet with the contact information and web site of the training organization/s. Also the name, address, official title, and contact information of the management official who attested to you completing the competencies.