Fractions No! Scary? We use fractions every day ……
Fractions Numerator 3 4 Denominator
Fractions How many pieces altogether?
Fractions 10 How many pieces altogether?
Fractions How many pieces have I got? 10 How many pieces altogether?
Fractions How many pieces have I got? 10 How many pieces altogether?
Fractions How many pieces have I got? 10 How many pieces altogether?
Fractions How many pieces have I got? 10 How many pieces altogether?
Fractions How many pieces have I got? 10 How many pieces altogether?
Fractions How many pieces have I got? 10 How many pieces altogether?
Fractions How many pieces have I got? 10 How many pieces altogether?
Fractions How many pieces have I got? 10 How many pieces altogether?
Fractions How many pieces have I got? 7 10 How many pieces altogether?
Fractions Colour in the right fraction for each shape 4 7 2 7 6 7
Fractions 4 12 7 14 3 8
Fractions Identify right fraction for each shape
Fractions Great fun!