Our Activities Monthly Conference Calls Spiritual Fitness Website Spiritual Fitness Forums @SpiritualFit Twitter Sending Friday Sermon Summary Friday Sermon Action Items Spiritual Fitness Newsletter
Our Initiatives Presentations (February - May) Zakat Drive (March) Ramadan Spiritual Fitness Challenge (June) Jalsa Salana Drive (July/August) Spiritual Fitness Camps (June – August) Animal Sacrifice (October) Salat Centers (September – December) Tahir Academy
Monthly Conference Calls National: Monthly 30 minute conference call with ten regional Tarbiyat secretaries is held with regularity. Average attendance ~90%. Local: Monthly 30 minute conference call held with local Tarbiyat secretaries. Average attendance ~50%.
Spiritual Fitness Website
Spiritual Fitness Forums
@SpiritualFit Twitter
Sending Friday Sermon Summary Every Friday, a summary of Huzoor's (aba) sermon is sent to all presidents, missionaries and Tarbiyat secretaries for local dissemination. Please share it with your members!
Friday Sermon Action Items Our team creates "action items" from the Friday Sermon which are also shared with the previously mentioned group and archived on SpiritualFitness.us
Spiritual Fitness Newsletter
Presentations (February - May) We create interactive presentations for commemorative days like Masih Maud (as) Day, Musleh Maud (ra) Day, Khilafat Day, Seerat un Nabi (sa) Day and circulate them among the Presidents for use in local events.
Zakat Drive (March) We provide and push FAQs and Friday Sermon material on the topic of Zakat.
Ramadan Spiritual Fitness Challenge (June) Created and distributed 1800 fridge magnets to launch the Ramadan Spiritual Fitness Challenge. Another 450+ magnets were downloaded from our website. This year, we provided Jama`at specific Ramadan calendars with Salat timings and the SF challenge.
Jalsa Salana Drive (July/August)
Spiritual Fitness Camps (June - August) Teaching Islamic etiquettes and tackling issues like marriage are at the core of our hugely popular Spiritual Fitness Camps organized in approximately 20 locations, benefiting nearly 40 Jama`ats and over 700 students.
Animal Sacrifice (October) An annual drive to resurrect the dying Islamic obligation of sacrificing an animal at `Eidul Adhiya, resulting in a nearly fivefold increase in the number of animals sacrificed in 2014.
Salat Centers (September - December)
Tahir Academy Tahir Academy is a Sunday school for children between the ages of 5 and 15. We want Ahmadi children to be role models, not followers, among their peers. This is possible once children are capable to defend their faith with argument and logic. As of January 2015, 22 Academies established serving 27 Jama`ats
Contact us Spiritual.Fitness@Ahmadiyya.us Follow us @Twitter/SpiritualFit Subscribe to our Newsletter Bookmark: SpiritualFitness.us