4 pictures 1 word
4 pictures 1 word HITLER
The Nazi’s win power: 1932-33. Learning Outcome: To understand the role of a number of factors in Hitler coming to power.
Recap of how the Government works President Chancellor Elected Government
Weaknesses of the Weimar Republic
Why was Hitler made Chancellor? Watch the programme and complete the statements showing how Hitler become Chancellor.
Activity Copy the key events diagram adding two columns: ‘cause’ and ‘significance’ Complete one or both of these new columns for each event using the information in the text.
Date. Elections Causes Significance March-April 1932. Hitler stood for President and lost May 1932 Nazis ask to join government coalition/ July 1932 Reichstag elections: Nazis now biggest party: 230 seats. November 1932 Reichstag election: Nazis still biggest party (190 seats) December 1932 Schleicher made new chancellor January 1933 Hitler made new chancellor
What role did these key Political figures have in making Hitler chancellor? Use your video Notes and the Worksheet. President Paul Von Hindenburg. Franz Von Papen Kurt Von Schleicher
Plenary Hitler was helped to power by… CHOOSE ONE economic conditions/ disagreements between other politicians/ other politicians underestimating him. This helped Hitler come to power because…
Key people
Hindenburg President 1932
1. Bruning Chancellor of Germany 1930-32
2. Von Papen Replaced Bruning as Chancellor
3. Von Schleicher Army General and close friend of Hindenburg. Chancellor Dec 1932-Jan 1933
4. Hitler Leader of Nazi Party which was growing in support Wanted the job of Chancellor