Welcome To I F W E C A N ' T D O I T , I T C A N ' T B E D O N E . U S F W H O L E S A L E . N E T
ABOUT USF United Security Financial Corp was established in December 1988 . Created to g ive borrowers an avenue to realize the American dream. USF is currently l icensed in 48 states, with two other states pending. In a short period of t ime, USF has established a servicing portfolio c lose to four billion dollars. USF is among a very l imited group of mortgage bankers chosen by HUD as a " Fair Practice Lender". This status offers an opportunity to incorporate fair housing and equal opportunity principles into mortgage lending standards. This a lso g ives us the chance to provide greater access to low income and minority lending programs. USF is , and will a lways be committed to fair lending practices. USF is a GNMA, FNMA, and VA approved lender and this g ives us more f lexible pricing and rates than many lenders out there. U S F W H O L E S A L E . N E T
About USF Continued.... Accolades Milestones We have implemented an underwriting style that a l lows a l l applicants an opportunity to qualify while a l lowing zero tolerance for fraud or misrepresentation. Underwriters attend regular training sessions and are required to stay current on a l l FHA, VA, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and other in- house guidelines implemented to reduce the layering of r isk to USF. USF is careful to avoid disruptions in the mortgage markets by supplying viable securitization sources providing a unique pricing model. This a l lows correspondents and brokers f lexibility in pricing and creates higher profitability margins. Accolades Top 100 Companies in Utah Countrywide Recognition of Production Award Utah State Office of Black Affairs Centennial Community Award National Top 25 Producers National City Mortgage Award Chase Gold Award Milestones 1989 - FHA Approved Correspondent Lender 1989 - Approved VA Lender 1992 - FHA Non- Supervised Mortgagee 1994 - USF Became a Full Eagle FHA Direct Endorsement Lender 1995 - Fannie Mae Lender 1996 - Full VA Lender Approval 1997 - Approved as an Automatic Lender by Department of Veteran Affairs 2009 - Became Ginnie Mae I ssuer 2018 - 30 years of Mortgage Lending! U S F W H O L E S A L E . N E T
T H E D O W N P A Y M E N T G R A N T W I T H E A G L E C O N N E C T Introducing These grant funds are set aside exclusively to help buyers have the ability to own a home. As a lender you can help clients achieve the American dream of homeownership while increasing your volume. Remember with this program you can offer a loan that gives your homebuyer a small piece of equity from day one! Down payment assistance funds are provided to homebuyers through Eagle Connect Fund (Eagle Connect) d.b.a. LBC, LLC Funding (LBC). LBC Funding is an approved federally chartered government lender. U S F W H O L E S A L E . N E T
eagleconnect.org Conventional Loan Product Underlying 1st Mortgage, Fannie Mae HomeReady®, 30-year Fixed Rate* 1st Time Homebuyer requirement 3% down- Provided in Full by Eagle Connect Fund 1-Unit Single Family Primary Residence: Including Eligiblee condos, co-ops and PUDs Reduced MI to 25% Non-occupant Co-Borrowers/Co-signers may be permissible Up to 100% of AMI No income limit in low income census tracts Cash Back to Borrower: Refund of borrower's earnest deposit money 640+ Credit score to qualify 680+ Credit score may get even better pricing eagleconnect.org U S F W H O L E S A L E . N E T
eagleconnect.org FHA product No 1st Time Homebuyer Requirement 3.5% Down - Provided in Full by Eagle Connect Fund Up to 120% AMI 620+ Credit Score to Qualify Maximum Loan Amount: Varies by County & State per FHA Guidelines Underlying 1st Mortgage FHA Loan Product 203 (b) & 203(c) FHA 203 (b) 1-2 Unit Primary Residence FHA 203 (c) Condo Unit Primary Residence eagleconnect.org U S F W H O L E S A L E . N E T
95 & 97 97 95 options Conventional Loan Product Underlying 1st Mortgage Fannie Mae Conventional, 30 Yr Fixed Rate* 1-Unit Single Family Primary Residence: Including eligible condos, co-ops and PUDs MI 30%-35% 640+ Credit Score 97 3% Down - Provided in full by Eagle Connect Fund NO income limits Must be 1st time homebuyer Up to $721,050 loan amount, varies by county and state per FNMA guidelines 95 5% Down - 3% provided by Eagle Connect Fund, 2% provided by borrower or other Gift Funds Up to 120% AMI No 1st time homebuyer requirement U S F W H O L E S A L E . N E T
F H A V A C O N V E N T I O N A L LTV 96.5% DTI 55% 620 FICO MMI 0.85% UFMI 1.75% Insured by FHA. FHA is very popular among 1st time home buyers with only 3.5% D.P required. This loan carries M.I. and has lower rates due to being insured by FHA. Primary residence only. V A Loan financing AVA for military members or veterans. No MI and lower rates due to VA guarantee of loan & no DP required. Primary residence only. LTV 100% DTI 55% 620 FICO DP 0% C O N V E N T I O N A L Not insured by Government. Now allows 3% DP but will also have MI. However, MI Can drop off after 20% equity/80% LTV is reached. Not as strict on appraisals. Investments & 2nd Homes allowed. LTV 97% DTI 43%* 620 FICO* No UFMI
I T I N Are your buyers undocumented and living in the USA? Are they missing a Social Security Card or Number? Do they not have a Visa, Work Permit, or Green Card? U.S Government ID Card, Matricula Consular ID, Or Passport 2 yrs employment in the same or similar line of work 2 yrs Tax Returns using I-TIN number buyers must be an owner occupant 20% down payment S E L F - E M P L O Y E D For those who are W-2, Self-Employed, Commissioned, or need to use assets to qualify for a loan. No W-2 needed to enjoy the joys of home-ownership! 12 & 24 Month Bank Statments Up to 90% LTV BK, Short Sale, 12 months Loan Amounts Up To $2.5M Cash-Out Option Available Interest Only Options Available 30 Year Fixed Rate Available
1 - U N I T P U D S I T E C O N D O M O D U L A R C O N S T R U C T I O N One time construction loan gives you the availability to let your customers build their dream home using a pre-selected builder or USF partner builders. P R I M A R Y R E S I D E N C E S C O N F O R M I N G C O N S T . / C O N S T . P E R M 1 - U N I T P U D S I T E C O N D O M O D U L A R H I G H B A L A N C E C O N S T . / C O N S T . P E R M 1 - U N I T P U D S I T E C O N D O M O D U L A R Max LTV 90%/70% Subordinate Financing Not allowed Minimum Credit 720/700 DU- Approve/Eligible Max LTV 90% Subordinating Financing Not Allowed Minimum Credit 720 DU - Approve/Eligible *Loans with a loan to value of 70.01% and greater must be requalified at completion of construction U S F W H O L E S A L E . N E T
Investment Properties Excellent program for investors. As low as 15% down, one unit only. Bank Statement program available Conventional Down Payment 15% LTV 85% DTI 43% 620 FICO* often needs to be higher for approval U S F W H O L E S A L E . N E T
R E V E R S E M O R T G A G E S 62+ years age requirement Great options for those wanting to enjoy retirement without the burden of a mortgage. 62+ years age requirement No mortgage payments for the rest of your life Name stays on title leaving home to heirs Any available cash is TAX FREE Supplement retirement and travel Pay off debts and make home improvements May obtain in-home health care
Contact Us Thank you for Joining Us Today! Michael Rutland 8 0 0 - 3 7 3 - 4 1 8 6 Thank you for Joining Us Today! United Security Financial Corp, NMLS ID 94915. 930 E. 6600 S. Murray, UT 84121. The information contained in this powerpoint is for general information purposes only. The information and materials are subject to change without notice. Not all products and services are available in all states. @USFCORP @eagleconnectfund www.usfwholesale.net/Realtist-Webinar