Team Infinity 2018 Ryan Dudley Beth Kinney Donna Heath Ryan
Our Beliefs Accountability - Ownership Group Work Habits of Learning Perseverance Personal Responsibility Positive Community Member Reassessment
Communication With Home Emails Phone 802-878-1388 (main office) Ryan
What is Jumprope?... Online software for reporting progress Live data accessible (parents/guardians/students) Email notification for progress report Missing work *Hard copies available for those without internet access Beth
Google Classroom Guardian Email Classroom Resources No Parent Portal Overdue? Missing?
Working from Home
EWSD Personalized Learning Plans Why PLPs? “To give students ownership over their learning and create a personalized pathway to their future.” PLP Features Common PLP Platform - Bulb PLPs will move with students from year to year Student Autobiography or About Me pages Themes across grade levels Goal Setting & Reflection Parental involvement/ feedback (to be sent via an email survey) Digital portfolio showcasing student- created content, learning artifacts, and growth over time Themes: 6- Growth Mindset 7-Identity 8- Community 9- Strengths, Hopes and Fears Also- we will be devoting time to support students in creating their PLPs approximately once a month throughout the school year.
We DO NOT tolerate ANY bullying/harassing behavior at ADL Harassment Happens over a period of time OR a single severe incident in a protected category: can be shown to pose a clear and substantial undermining and detracting from or interfering with a student’s educational performance or access to school resources or… creating an objectively intimidating, hostile or offensive environment Includes off-campus cyberharassment Bullying Happens over a period of time and is repeated; can be shown to pose a clear and substantial interference with another student’s right to access educational programs (For any reason: weight, clothes, living situation, age, socioeconomic status) Includes off-campus cyberbullying Rude, disrespectful behavior -Ignoring -Making faces -Name calling (not a protected category) -Laughing at someone -Talking down to someone We DO NOT tolerate ANY bullying/harassing behavior at ADL Brian