A Peek at the Week Math Writing Class News Spelling Reading What we will be learning next week: Math We will be continuing our place value unit, We will be comparing numbers, and rounding this week. Spelling Test Friday This weeks spelling words are: Reading Our first Reading unit is going to be fiction. We will be focusing this week on Writing The first style of writing that we will be working on is Narratives. This week we will, continue looking at developing setting and characters. Science/Social Studies We will begin our Electricity unit in Science this week! We will focus on the vocabulary needed to understand how electricity works. We are still going to be working on Procedures and routines in class. Our main expectations are to act safe, respectful and responsible! Weekly Newsletter for Ms. Smith’s Class September 1, 2016 Important Dates: Sept. 5- Labor Day NO SCHOOL! Sept. 7 – Behavioral Expectations Presentation 5:50-6:30 Sept. 14. - Early Release at 1:05 Follow us on twitter! Our class handle: @MsSmithpt4 Our school handle: @jcPioneerTrail Class News = assessment I just wanted to clarify homework. I try not to load students in the beginning of the year. Students currently will be bringing home any classwork they did not get completed in class. www.mrsgilkison.weebly.com