Things Fall Apart Chinua Achebe Introduction Background Discussion Starters
Things Fall Apart Chinua Achebe
Things Fall Apart: Introduction Change is a part of life. But when drastic changes transform the world you know—how do you deal with them?
Things Fall Apart: Introduction Okonkwo is a member of the Ibo people in the African country of Nigeria in the late 1800s. Okonkwo is a wealthy farmer and is well respected in his clan.
Things Fall Apart: Introduction Okonkwo has a big family that follows the traditions of the Ibo people. He has three wives; a son, Nwoye; and two daughters, Obiageli and Ezinma. He also cares for a young boy, Ikemefuma, who has been brought to the village as a hostage.
Things Fall Apart: Introduction Okonkwo believes in the Ibo traditions. He values strength and hard work and looks down on gentleness and compassion. Okonkwo will do anything to be different from his father, who was considered weak and died in disgrace.
Things Fall Apart: Introduction But Okonkwo’s desire to succeed and to stamp out weakness leads him to commit many violent acts… some of which bring him into conflict with his clan.
Things Fall Apart: Introduction One day a senseless act changes his life. He and his family are sent away from the village.
Things Fall Apart: Introduction While Okonkwo and his family are away, changes begin to take place in their village. Christian missionaries arrive—determined to change the Ibo way of life.
Things Fall Apart: Introduction After seven years, Okonkwo and his family return home. What changes will he find in the village? Will Okonkwo be able to adjust to a world that has fallen apart?
Things Fall Apart: Background Things Fall Apart is set during a period of British colonial rule of Nigeria in the late 1800s. Nigeria became a British colony in 1886.
Things Fall Apart: Background Christian missionaries arrived in Nigeria in the mid-1800s, and by the end of the century had begun a strong conversion campaign. They wanted the African people to embrace Christianity.
Things Fall Apart: Background Traditional Ibo religion was based on an earth goddess and a creator god. Other deities and spirits were also honored. Animals were used as sacrifices in religious ceremonies.
Things Fall Apart: Background In Ibo culture, women grew food crops The Ibo were subsistence farmers, which means they grew crops to survive. Men grew the important yam crop. Women grew other crops.
Things Fall Apart: Background An Ibo village was part of a clan network made up of about five thousand people that were led by a council of men that made decisions democratically shared a common market and meeting place
Things Fall Apart: Discussion Starters Okonkwo believes that strength and toughness are more important than compassion and gentleness. In what circumstances might this attitude help a person succeed? When could it cause problems?
Things Fall Apart: Discussion Starters The European missionaries want the Ibo to change their way of life. Why do some people want to impose their culture on another? Can one culture judge another by its own standards? When do you think it’s acceptable to encourage a group of people to change their way of life? When is it not acceptable?