For engaging with the activities on the magic carpet Achievement Award Shannon For engaging with the activities on the magic carpet for 20 minutes. Well done Shannon! Date: 24th March 2017
Achievement Award Isaac For a brilliant rendition of ‘Wind the Bobbin Up’ with minimal prompting during morning tasks. Well done Isaac! Date: 24th March 2017
Achievement Award Sienna For playing with a group of friends from Orange class during play time spontaneously for over half an hour. Well done Sienna! Date: 24th March 2017
Achievement Award Matthew For playing with a group of friends from Orange class during play time spontaneously for over half an hour. Well done Matthew! Date: 24th March 2017
Achievement Award Elwyn For playing with a group of friends from Orange class during play time spontaneously for over half an hour. Well done Elwyn! Date: 24th March 2017
Achievement Award Steven For following his visual timetable to come back from the hall independently. Well done Steven! Date: 24th March 2017
Achievement Award Nico For being fully engaged with exploring the yellow tissue paper and being responsive to familiar staff to complete his Mother’s Day card. Well done Nico! Date: 24th March 2017
Achievement Award Preston For excellent behaviour when representing the school at the Ferneham Hall rehearsal. Well done Preston! Date: 24th March 2017
Achievement Award Ronnie For estimating how long an object might be, based on the length of the previous object he measured and excellent work identifying fractions. Well done Ronnie! Date: 24th March 2017
Achievement Award Niwahang For estimating how long an object might be, based on the length of the previous object he measured. Well done Niwa! Date: 24th March 2017
Achievement Award Callum For logging onto the computer independently and then helping one of his friends to log on. Well done Callum! Date: 24th March 2017
Achievement Award Joshua For using his iPad to communicate during weekend news and giving a very detailed account about his time at Galena. Well done Joshua! Date: 24th March 2017
Communicator of the Week Nalin For verbally requesting ‘more’ on several occasions, repeating lots of words and saying ‘mum’ and ‘dad’ during a news session. Well done Nalin! Date: 24th March 2017