Growth mindset Exploration & Cultivation
Co-create a Drawing Work with a partner No talking Once you pick up the marker, it’s your partner’s turn Give your drawing a title (15 minutes) Growth Mindset opening activity: You will work in pairs to co-create a drawing on a flip chart. There is no talking as you take turns to create your drawing. Add to the drawing, and when you pick up your marker, your turn is over. Keep going until your drawing is finished. Then, give it a title by taking turns letter by letter. You will have 5 minutes to create your drawing. DEBRIEF: What was it like to draw a drawing with someone else? What was going through your mind during this activity? Were you always in synch with your partner? Did your partner throw you any curve balls? What was that like? Does this feel similar to things we’ve been going through as a team this year? SEGUE: When you embrace challenges, persist in the face of setback, remain flexible, and creatively problem-solve, you are exhibiting a growth mindset. [Draw upon themes from the debrief to link to the content.] [Watch this co-create a drawing activity in action here:] PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL
(3 minutes) Let’s review the difference between a “Growth” vs. “Fixed” mindset. PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL
(7 minutes) DEBRIEF the video: Mindsets are a continuum. Not mentioned here…neuroplasticity – the brain can and does learn and adapt. Why do we care to nurture a Growth Mindset? What’s in it for us? For the organization? [Document on a flip chart.] “Our Company” mindset – letting go of what you did in the past with legacy companies. PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL
Exploring Personal Mindsets Think about an experience that triggered you to react in a Fixed Mindset way. Share with a partner: The situation/context How you felt What you thought How you behaved/acted Discuss strategies to respond differently in the future. (15 minutes) Think about an experience that triggered you to react in a fixed mindset way. Describe the context, how you felt, what you thought, and how you behaved/acted. Share with a partner and discuss strategies to respond differently in the future. DEBRIEF: Knowing your triggers can help you recognize when you are not displaying a Growth Mindset. What are some strategies you came up with to react differently in the future? PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL
Mindsets at Work Think about how each mindset “shows up” at work. Document on a flip chart what each mindset looks like at work Identify 3 things you can do to cultivate a Growth Mindset (for yourself and others) (15 minutes) Think about how each mindset “shows up” at work. Work with your table to document on a flip chart where we see Fixed vs. Growth mindsets at work. After generating the list, identify 3 things you can do to cultivate a growth mindset (for yourself and others) in the workplace. DEBRIEF: What does each mindset look like at work? How can we support growth mindsets ongoing? PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL
Cultivate a Growth Mindset Commit to one thing you can do in the next 30 days to cultivate a growth mindset. Share. (5 minutes) What’s one thing you can do in the next 30 days to cultivate a growth mindset? Share your commitment with a partner/your table group. PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL