Access to Major International X-Ray and Neutron Facilities Henry R Access to Major International X-Ray and Neutron Facilities Henry R. Glyde, Robert M. Briber and Sunil K. Sinha Chaired by Henry Glyde, the Committee on International Scientific Affairs of the American Physical Society has prepared a report entitled “Access to Major International X-Ray & Neutron Facilities”. Throughout the world, major X-ray and neutron facilities are operated by national laboratories or similar large multinational laboratories and used by scientists from all sectors; universities, corporations and other national laboratories. This global study compares policies for access to these facilities in Asia, Europe, and the USA and particularly policies for access to facilities in one nation by scientists from another nation. The study report can be found at: On October 27, 2009, Henry Glyde presented a plenary talk on the study for the EU body “European Research Facilities” in Lund, Sweden, the site of the future European Spallation Neutron Source (ESS). The ERF conference and the talks can be found at: