Coordination of Collective Bargaining. Estonian Experience. Peep Peterson, Estonian Trade Union Confederation Eesti Ametiühingute Keskliit
Facts About Estonian Labour Market Employment rate: 64,1 % Unemployment rate: 6,5 % Growth of wages: 8,0 % Average wage: 1091 EUR (68 % / 32 %) Median wage: 831 EUR (50 % / 50 %) Minimum wage: 430 EUR Migration: -96 people in 2015 Eesti Ametiühingute Keskliit
Facts About Estonian Trade Unions Avaerage unionisation: 9 % Strong sectors: healthcare, transport, education, energy related sectors Lower unionisation: construction, offices, retail and services CBA coverage: 30% Sectoral agreements: Medical staff, bus drivers, truck drivers, (metal workers) Minimimum wage + 10 % in a year agreements: Eesti Ametiühingute Keskliit
Results of Minimum Wage Agreements Outpay by deciles Eesti Ametiühingute Keskliit
Responsibility fields Legislation Minimum wage agreements EAKL, TALO Sectoral CBA Branch unions Enterprise CBA Local unions Labour contracts Eesti Ametiühingute Keskliit
Strong Wage Policy Strong policy (sectoral CBA + enterprise CBA): healthcare + 12%, road transport Strong policy by unions: seamens union, energy CBA: add-ons CBA: add-ons CBA: add-ons CBA: add-ons CBA: add-ons SECTORAL MINIMUM Eesti Ametiühingute Keskliit
Inventions to Improve Social Bargaining Tripartite government committee for labour market issues New topics on state level: life-long-learning, European Framework Agreements Strategy conferences every September Encouraging to be more active – overview at every board meeting Seeking for new opportunities on sectoral level Negotiation trainings for shop stewarts and union specialists New topics for enlargement (training, work and rest time etc) Eesti Ametiühingute Keskliit
CBA-s for Everyone on NOT? We speak on beahalf of our members WAGE and VACATION obligatory for all Smaller advantages only for members Still most of the employers do not make any difference Membership card benefits, feeling of unity, participation and information Eesti Ametiühingute Keskliit
Flexicurity model by Estonia Now SOFT LABOUR LAW ACTIVE LABOUR MARKET POLICIES SOCIAL PROTECTION Eesti Ametiühingute Keskliit
Estonian Story of Labour Law Reform Started in January 2008 The society got furious Negotiations and an agreement in April 2008 First violation of the agreement by governement June 2009 Massive redunduncies and paycuts (20% as average) during global financial crisis 2009-2010 Fast recovery 2011-2012 Massive raise of unloyalty among workers – migration, high turnover in enterprises 2012-1013 Lack of workforce 2016 Eesti Ametiühingute Keskliit
Lack of Labour Force Eesti Ametiühingute Keskliit
Eesti Ametiühingute Keskliit