It is responsible for the renovation of existing facilities, infrastructure renewal projects including computing network infrastructure, and security systems. As delegated by the Vice-President, University Operations, CDD has the authority to approve projects with a value of up to $3 million and to recommend projects over $3 million and up to $10 million.
Call for Proposals The Call for Proposals will now be announced quarterly: April 1, July 1, Oct 1, Jan 1. All departments are advised to consider these dates in planning for departmental requirements to ensure that requests for renovation or renewal of existing space and facilities of departments are properly scheduled as planned.
Complete CDD Project Application Website: http://www. utsc. utoronto Complete CDD Project Application Website: (For assistance in completing the CDD Project Application Form, please contact Marlyn Yee at 416-287-7652; e-mail:
There are three steps that must be completed by the Client before a project is forwarded to the Strategy Review Group for adjudication: In Step 1 of the application form, the department will provide information about the Project, space allocation, and departmental authorization. (If the Space is not part of the department’s space allocation, the department must complete a Space Application Form to be submitted to the Space Planning Committee. The CDD Project application cannot be processed until the Space Planning Committee approves the Space application)
In Step 2, Design and Construction Management or Facilities Management Dept will provide the results of the preliminary review of the project: If the project is a Work Order, the application will be returned to the department If the project is a CDD project, the Project Manager will verify the space allocation and will provide a low-high estimate of the project cost
In Step 3, the completed application is forwarded to the CDD Secretary In Step 3, the completed application is forwarded to the CDD Secretary. If in order, the CDD Secretary will forward the application to the CDD Committee. In Step 4, the CDD Committee will review and assess the project and will recommend to the Strategy Review Group to proceed to design review and costing.
a. Projects that enhance existing instructional and research programs In accordance with the Policy on Capital Planning and Capital Projects, the chief considerations of assigning priorities for funding are the merit of each request in relation to officially stated plans and priorities for UTSC, and the overall benefit of the proposed project for the Campus. Within this framework, the following hierarchy of criteria will be used to rank proposals for renovation: a. Projects that enhance existing instructional and research programs b. Projects that make possible new instructional and research programs c. Projects that improve the efficiency of existing administrative and student services d. Projects that make possible new or additional administrative and student services
Decision Process Completed applications will be reviewed by the Strategy Review Group that is composed of the Principal, Dean & Vice-Principal (Academic), Vice-Principal Research, and the CAO and Chair of CDD against the academic plan for evaluation and prioritization. Subsequently, the Departments of Design and Construction Management, or Facilities Management will engage the clients and contractors to review design and develop costing.
Final Approval The CDD approval package will be communicated by the CDD Secretary to the client, CDD Committee, Departmental Business Officers, and other concerned parties.
A Project Manager is assigned to each project who will oversee the project until its completion. All queries related to the construction or renovation should be directed to the Project Manager.