Creative Inventions and Robotics Welcome to the Laboratory Welcome to the Build-It-Yourself Laboratory. I’m Seth, chief computer programmer at Build-It-Yourself. I’m John, chief inventor at Build-It-Yourself. Creative Inventions and Robotics
and scurrilous scoundrels who make a mess. The Mission Build-It-Yourself is looking for a few smart ladies and some hairy-chested men to save the world from vile villains who build mean machines . . . and scurrilous scoundrels who make a mess. Build-It-Yourself to Earth … We have some problems! Who would like to read the Build-It-Yourself mission. Do we have any smart ladies on this crew? Are any men on this crew sprouting hair on ther chest? What do you think is the biggest problem in the world today? Do you think there is a machine or a computer that could help solve this problem?
Team Introductions 30 Seconds!!! Favorite… Project Hero Hobby Quote Least favorite thing to do … 30 Seconds!!! It order to solve this tough problem, we are going to have to work together as a hot shot team. Very little important gets done these days without a team effort. So that we can all get friendly with our teammates, let’s go around the room. Please introduce yourself and in 30 seconds, tell us about the favorite project you have ever built or the hero who most inspires you or the most fun thing you like to do. We’ll start. In order to make sure everyone has a chance to introduce themselves, we’ll start a 30 second timer for each introduction. If you want to say more, please wait until everyone has had 30 seconds of fame.
Law of the Lab 1) Respect teammates: Did you share ideas, help someone or lead your team? 2) Respect your lab: Did you clean up, take care of tools and sort parts? 3) Don’t do dumb stuff: Did you do anything you would not want your parents or teacher to know? Like every community, we have a set of laws you must follow if you want to be on the team. You must convince us that you know and agree to follow these laws before you can work with us. Who would like to read Law #1? “No punching anyone in the nose!” Who would like to read Law #2? “No throwing computers out the window!” Who would like to read Law #3? ‘If you would not want your parents to know about something you did, it is probably STUPID.”
Consequences If you don’t follow the rules, you must apologize to your teammates: Strike 1 – Warning. Strike 2 – Write note to director. Strike 3 – May be kicked off the team. If you mess up 3 times, you have a problem! Do we all agree? Does anyone want to suggest an amendment to our laws?
“I CAN’T” SWIZZORBLOTZ’D Golden Rule The Build-It-Yourself Laboratory is for dreamers and builders.. Anyone who destroys something or says, “I CAN’T” Will get SWIZZORBLOTZ’D Who would like to read this corollary to our laws? In general, Mean Machines are forbidden at Build-It-Yourself, but this torture machine is one exception. Trust us you don’t want to sit in front of the Swizzorblotz Machine!
The Swizzorblotz Machine Video
Extreme Building Multiple brains are better than one. Share ideas. There is a new technique for building spectacular toys, games and other products at big engineering companies. It’s called ‘Extreme Programming.’ In the old days, you could walk into a company like General Electric or IBM and see 100 engineers in front of 100 computers in 100 cubicles. Today, in companies like Apple and Google, you will often see teams of 2 –4 engineers huddled around one computer. Whoever is tired types and the others contribute and check ideas. This technique, called Extreme Programming, is proving to be more productive and produce better results than when everyone is doing their own thing. We will practice this technique.
Extreme Building How many people do you think it took to get to the moon? You could argue that going to the moon was the most spectacular thing humans have ever done. How may people do you think it took to get to the moon? 36,000 people worked for NASA in 1969.
Extreme Building Teams: To go to the moon? 36,000 To create Lion King? 800 To create Toy Story? 110 To create the computer game Spore? 180 To develop a new medicine? 100 Here are some examples of the teams it took to build something really special.
Let’s Make 4 Teams (2-3 members per team) Each team member will take turns keyboarding and building. The others will help by sharing ideas. Gather with your teammates around one computer. Open Power Point Create a lab book cover. Build-It-Yourself Lab Book The first names of your teammates. The Duck Team
Lab Book Anna, Jacob and John Use Word Art Use the text box Get an image from Google that inspires you to build.
Set up your work folders. Never leave your files on the desktop. Files left on the desktop will get deleted. Desktop documents C: or Hard Drive yourname-lab-book.ppt yourname-web-page.html your name cat.jpg ball.gif song.wav movie.wmv images
File Names File Structure Use long descriptive names like school-date-name-description.html 2) Use lower case text. Use “-” between words. Do not use “_” or “ “ Good: biy-hot-shot.html => biy-hot-shot.html Bad: biy_hot_shot.html => biy_hot_shot.html Bad: biy hot shot.html => biy hot shot.html
Set up your Lab Book Download your lab book template. Go to the Web site: Click on Go next to ‘Projectware’ Click on ‘Presentations’ Double click on ‘Lab Book Template’ Save your lab book. If your lab book is not open, go to your desktop and double click on biy-lab-book-template.ppt to open it. Click on File / Save As. Create a new folder in My Documents titled your team’s names, jim-jane-john. Name your lab book, biy-lab-book-jim-jane-john.ppt. Click on Save. Gather with your teammates around one computer. Open Power Point Create a lab book cover. Build-It-Yourself Lab Book The first names of your teammates.
The Problem Describe the problem. The Mission Describe your mission. Gather with your teammates around one computer. Insert / New Slide Document concisely The Problem and The Mission. Describe your mission. Seth and John