2018 Port Washington Boys Soccer Parent Meeting May 23rd 2018 Presentation is available online at www.portwashingtonathletics.org
Coaching Staff Varsity Coach: Sean O’Brien Cell: 920-319-5209 Varsity Asst. Eric Liebergen Varsity Asst. Jared Lanser JV Coach: Jim Welzien
Philosophy Coaches Players Practices are for coaches and games are for players to perform. Our job as coaches is to provide players with the tools to make decisions on the field that fit within our system. Players Heads held high on the field and off. We will work harder than any team we face and when we leave the field we will know that we all did everything we could to help our team and the program.
Student-Athlete Expectations General expectations Be on time Be prepared Be respectful Support your teammates Be dedicated both on the field and in the classroom Don’t ever give up.
Student-Athlete Expectations Athletic code and Team policies School must be a priority Time management Attendance Full day to play. Appointments are excused. Please notify your coach prior to practice if you will be gone Unexcused absences will result in a loss of playing time.
Student-Athlete Expectations Students are expected to ride the bus to and from the game Transportation Form
Summer Opportunities Summer School Fitness Class. Contact Dates July 9-12 @ T.J. 5-7 Captains Practices* Captains Practices are organized by upperclassmen throughout the summer. All levels are welcome 3 v. 3 Tournament June 23 Justice Center field
Communication www.portwashingtonathletics.org Signup for Email/Text Alerts Athletic Handbook Contact Information Schedules Forms MUST be in August 9th
How Can You Help the Program? Concession Stand Volunteers Home Games. 3v3 Tournament. Banquet Coordinator(s) Location, food, pictures. etc.. Filming Games Ball Boys/Girls
FAQ’s When is the first day of practice? Where and when are practices? August 13th @ 8:00 A.M Stadium Field Where and when are practices? Each coach will determine practice time after the first week. All teams practice at T.J. Will there be cuts? We hope to avoid cuts but sometimes numbers dictate we make cuts. When will you know if cuts need to be made? We should have an idea after the first day of practice.
FAQ’s How do I letter? What is a JV2 team? A permanent member of the Varsity team will receive their letter. JV members that participate in an occasional tournament/game will not receive a letter. What is a JV2 team? The JV2 team replaces the freshman team. It gives us more flexibility with the roster.