https://youtu.be/6brqplz3 TnA
disrespectful talented Pass out pieces of colored paper to students. Students will write something that he/she is not (ex: not a band nerd; not a bully; not boring; etc …) On the opposite side of the paper, students will write something that they are (I am …) Students will use the ideas from the video and write their own “I am …” sign. Students can decorate the sign (using color pencils or markers) if they wish. Students will be allowed to share their “I am …” sign with the rest of the class. not I AM disrespectful talented side 1 side 2
At February 20, 2007 9:55 AM, lyndseyd said... I am a teenage girl I wonder what guy I will like next week I hear gossip about everyone in school I want to be free from my parents rule I am a teenage girl I pretend to like people I secretly despise I feel the warmth of friendship I touch up my make up every hour I worry about my looks I am a teenage girl I understand that looks aren’t everything, but I live like they do I say things to make people better I dream of becoming famous I try to get good grades, but I hate school I am
Take the idea for your I am sign and create an interesting, meaningful, honest, funny, inspirational poem. (no worries, there is help for you)
I challenge you: (yes, you) Make an extra I am sign to wear tomorrow during school. Showcase your I am throughout the school day! In addition write a positive word/message on a post-it and place on someone’s locker.