Working Group on regional, urban and rural development statistics Item 3.1 New datasets by regional typologies based on multi-dimensional tables – visualized in Regions and Cities Illustrated
All available NUTS 3 datasets are aggregated to typologies Data on Urban-rural, coastal/non-coastal and metropolitan regions If data on one NUTS 3 region in a country is missing, data on the corresponding typology class is not available in EuroBase.
Data currently aggregated by regional typologies and used in the RCI Demography Regional accounts Labour Market Transport statistics
Data aggregated by typologies but not included in the RCI Population projections Discontinued by the production unit but kept in the 'Regional statistics by typology' Patent statistics; Crime statistics No further regional data collections planned Regional business demography Data collection based on grants – data on 17 countries available
Key data not available at NUTS 3, hence not aggregated by regional typologies Since 2012 tourism statistics is available by DEGURBA, coastal/non-coastal areas and NUTS 2 only Project in the frames of the Methodological Network's cluster on data integration – disaggregation of NUTS 2 tourism data to NUTS 3 using geographical information
RCI – Regions and Cities Illustrated: Employment by coastal typology
Population by urban-rural typology, 2015 – Example for good availability A good example for data availability (34 countries)
Live births by urban-rural typology, 2015
GVA in industry by coastal/non-coastal regions, 2013 – full coverage!
Number of tourist establishment by degurba, 2015 This visualisation was a test how it would look like if we include tourism indicators by degurba. The relevant unit was asked to publish the data as relative share.
Coming soon in the RCI – metropolitan regions vislet Total unemployment rate in metro and non-metro regions, 2014
Coming soon in EuroBase and RCI: TERRA II Data by border regions Data by mountain regions Data by island regions
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