Photonic Integration Training Columbia University, NYC Oct. 19-23, 2015
Why Is Training so Critical for PICs? Photonic Integration is now breaking through PICs are increasingly made in outside foundries This is similar to electronic ICs Value chain also includes packaging, design S/W, brokers, etc Training is best vehicle to learn complex value chain Design software simply needs to be tried hands-on Few unique aspects about this training: Covers all key material systems, supported by 9 foundries Have over 15 sponsors: 29 trainees with 24 trainers Focus on business/market topics in addition to technical detail Pay special attention to networking Lightwave PIC Webinar 15-sep-15
Special Thanks Goes to our Host! Dept of EE, Columbia University has provided enormous support Prof. Keren Bergman Ms. Jessica Rodriguez As well as many others… Training organized by 7 Pennies. In case of any questions, please contact: Isobel Hoevers (logistics): 917-833-3589, Gary Weiner (IT): 908-963-6117, Erik Pennings (program): 848-228-0807, Lightwave PIC Webinar 15-sep-15
Training Supported by Broad Group Foundries InP Silicon Photonics TriPleX Design software Packaging Design houses Organization: AIM Photonics Lightwave PIC Webinar 15-sep-15
PIC Training Program Lightwave PIC Webinar 15-sep-15
A Few More Points Before We Start… There is free and abundant WiFi on the campus Please turn all cell phones silent Need to stick to time limits 2 special “rump” sessions Peter Winzer (Bell Labs); Monday around 4pm Russ Pina (MOSIS): Tuesday around 5pm Memory sticks with close to all training material Monday 4:30pm is S/W installation Rental computers (in so far reserved) will be brought in Need to look at dinner arrangements Form small clusters of interest Lightwave PIC Webinar 15-sep-15, Thanks & Enjoy! Erik Pennings C: +1-848-228-0807, P: +1-609-751-5810,