“Self- Reliance” and “Nature” Vocabulary in cotext Vocabulary Unit 5 “Self- Reliance” and “Nature” Vocabulary in cotext
nonconformist “Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist.” Part of Speech: noun One who does not follow generally accepted beliefs, customs, or practices What could be some synonyms to nonconformist?
Importune I have to importune my students to put phones away for them to actually put phones away. Part of Speech: verb What could be some synonyms to importune? To ask urgently or repeatedly; to annoy or trouble
aversion Most children have an aversion to vegetables. Part of Speech: noun A strong dislike What could be some synonyms to aversion?
decorum If you are going to be a public figure, you would need a sense of decorum. Part of Speech: noun Good taste in conduct or appearance What could be some synonyms to decorum?
exhilaration I feel exhilaration when I walk into school…. NOT Part of Speech: noun A feeling of high spirits or lively joy What could be some synonyms to exhilaration?
countenance You can tell when I am angry by my countenance. I can’t control my face. Part of Speech: noun a person's face or facial expression What could be some synonyms to countenance?
arduous Some people thought that analyzing paradoxes last week was arduous. Part of Speech: adjective involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring What could be some synonyms to arduous?
suffrage “Absolve you to yourself, and you shall have the suffrage of the world.” Part of Speech: noun Approval or support What could be some synonyms to suffrage?
contempt A teacher should never speak to a student with contempt. Part of Speech: noun the feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn What could be some synonyms to contempt?
slough Whenever someone says something insulting to me, I let slough off the bad feelings. Part of Speech: verb To cast-off Get rid of something undesirable What could be some synonyms to slough?