Emerging Technologies September. 24. 2001
Introduction Hardware Software Vision Electroics, Robotics, Mechanic, Haptic Device Software DirectX, Open-GL, In-house, C++ Vision Real-time tracking, Constaint tracking, Streao Vision
a Wolf Synthetic Characters group at MIT Media Lab
CircleMaze Carnegie Mellon Uni.'s Entertainment Technology Center
Enhanced Reality: A New Frontier for Computer Entertainment Sony Computer Entertainment America
Excerpts from Experiment in the Future Reading RED group at Xerox PARC
FEELEX Institute of Engineering Mechanics and Systems University of Tsukuda
I-Ball: Interactive Information University of Tokyo
Illusion House Hunman Interface Engineering Lab. Osaka University
Just Follow Me :A VR-Based Motion Training System Vurtual Reality Lab. Department of Computer Science and Engineering , Pohang University
Mobile Augmented Reality Systems Columbia University, Department of Computer Science
RobotPhone :RUI for Interpersonal Communication Physics and Computing Graduate School of Information Science and Technology University of Tokyo
SensingChair Purde University Electrical Engineering