Tv and Outdoor Using outdoor to strengthen a TV campaign April 2011
Source: TGI 2011 – Formats Seen / Used in the Last Week TV and Outdoor are the 2 most seen media… TVPosters 5. Magazines 4. Newspapers 6. Radio 7. Cinema 3. Internet
Source: TGI 2011 – Formats Seen / Used in the Last Week …and the top 2 media spent time with TV 2hours 31minutes Posters 2hours 17minutes 4. Radio 50 minutes 3. Internet 1 hour 22 minutes 5. Newspapers 19 minutes 6. Magazines 5 minutes
Source: Touchpoints 3 (All Adults) TV and Outdoor compliment each other in terms of times used Out of Home/Travelling In home
OUTDOOR 88% 18% 10% 6% 5% RADIOTVINTERNETNEWSPAPERSMAGS 8% 9 in 10 shoppers have seen Outdoor advertising in previous half an hour before shopping Source: Outdoor Media Centre 2011 Outdoor key to reach shoppers within the half hour prior to shopping
Including Outdoor for the same budget delivers additional 13%pt cover £500k TV Campaign = 200 All Adults TVRs £333k TV Campaign = 133 All Adults TVRs £333k TV + £167k OOH = 459 All Adults TVRs Solus TV Campaign Take 1/3 rd off TV budget Re-invest in OOH Source: Mediaplanner / POSTAR
Summary Complementary – time, audience, geography Higher cover & better frequency for same £ Increased awareness & enhanced brand perceptions Delivers better ROI, Sales and increased consideration
Want to find out more? Contact the JC Decaux research team to find out how you can use outdoor to amplify your TV campaign