Connective Tissue Department of Biology, WCU
Introduction Location Functions everywhere (skin, blood, bone, muscle) Bind and support (tendon) Protection (bone, cartilage) Insulation (fat) Transport body fluids (blood)
Introduction Characteristics 1. Common origin (mesenchyme) 2. Vascularization 3. Extracellular matrix
Structure 1. Ground substance 2. Fibers 3. Cells amorphous (interstitial fluid and protein) 2. Fibers collagen elastic reticular 3. Cells defense
Types of connective tissue 1. Embryonic mesoderm
Types of Connective Tissue
2. Connective tissue proper 1. Loose connective tissue A. Areolar connective tissue fluid filled spaces nutrients and waste
2. Connective tissue proper B. Adipose tissue oil droplets nutrient storage insulation
2. Connective tissue proper C. Reticular connective tissue similar to areolar connective tissue supports free red blood cells
2. Connective tissue proper 2. Dense connective tissue A. Regular unidirectional force tendons (muscle - bone, aponeurosis)
2. Connective tissue proper B. Irregular multidirectional force skin, shoulder joint
2. Connective tissue proper B. Elastic Recoil after stretching (lungs, aorta) Pulsatile flow (blood vessels)
3. Cartilage Characteristics Common features Tough yet flexible Avascular (perichondrium) Void of nerves Fluid matrix (costal region) Common features chondrocytes, lacunae
Types of cartilage 1. Hyaline abundant long bones embryonic skeleton epiphyseal plates
Types of cartilage 2. Elastic pinna, epiglottis
Types of cartilage 3. Fibrocartilage rows of chondrocytes and collagen compression (discs)
Bone Living substance 1. Macroscopic structure epiphysis diaphysis epiphyseal line
Bone 1. Macroscopic structure Compact Spongy Articular cartilage Medulla
Bone 1. Macroscopic structure periosteum endosteum Sharpey’s fibers
Bone 2. Microscopic structure Haversian canals osteocytes lacunae canaliculi
Bone 2. Microscopic structure osteoblasts Osteoclasts
Bone development Osteogenesis
Bone development 1. Intramembranous ossification mesenchyme woven bone lamellar bone flat bones
Bone development 2. Endochondrial ossification hyaline cartilage primary ossification center bone collar formation chondrocytes calcify periosteal bud
Bone development 2. Endochondrial ossification medullary cavity secondary ossification center
Bone growth Zone of deposition Zone of calcification Zone of erosion