Welcome to Room 2! While we are waiting to begin please do the following: Fill out papers on desk. Complete sign ups around the room.
Meet Mrs.Dyer Masters Degree Special Education/ Early childhood education JMU We moved to Leesburg in the mid 90’s 19 years teaching experience in K -3; 12 years in 1st! We have 2 children; UVA & VT recent grads I love going to the beach!
Handouts Lunch and computer # Scholastic News ~ $6.00 Specials Schedule
A day in the life of a 1st grader Wake up Work Morning Meeting-Chit Chat- Calendar Reader’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop Quick snack break and recess! Social Studies/Science Lunch/ Recess WIN Math Specials Dismissal
Literacy Three reading assessments during the first quarter: DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) PALS (PhonologicalAwareness Literacy Screening) ~ These assessments help us choose appropriate books for Guided Reading groups and find a starting point for reading instruction and/or intervention.
Optional ~ more info to follow Used to reinforce skills taught in class and to establish good work habits and time management Nightly Reading- 20 min
OTTW~PBL Supporting students’ learning of content through authentic learning experiences and include opportunities for students to develop critical thinking, communication and collaboration. Four key elements ~ Significant content and competencies ~ Authentic challenging problems in the world ~ Public product to the world ~ Connected to the world Technology is incorporated into the learning experience which students use to research, create, and present information related to the unit of study. Provides students the opportunity to learn and engage with content in a meaningful way.
Report Cards 1st nine week conference is required and serves as first report card comment First nine weeks skills will be assessed and discussed during scheduled conference Please use sign up genius to sign up for a time slot Possible scores B for Below expectations P for Progressing towards expectations M for Meets expectations E for Exceeds expectations
Grading B, P, M, E Unfinished Work ~ Red folder Word Study ~ test and classwork
Behavior Management Begin the day POSITIVE Praise & Reinforcement Kindness Coins Fish/PBIS Name on board Clip Chart Classroom Dojo Parent Contact
Clinic Visits Ms. Clegg is available to students in the event of illness or injury that occur during the school day. Small cuts, lost teeth, runny noses, etc. will be taken care of in the classroom. Please refer to the handbook regarding medications and protocol for returning to school following an illness. No more Tylenol given out
Classroom Wishlist Anti-Bacterial, Pre-Moistened Surface Wipes ;) Large craft sticks (wide) Flair marker pens ~ black and other colors Paper towels Index cards ~ unlined, any color Playdough ~ mini containers Random buttons Extra headphones Large fat pipe cleaners
Miscellaneous Lunch Numbers/Ice cream – Monday Monitor Lunch accounts~ sticker Recess ~ 2, 15 minute recesses Book Bags- jackets inside Absences Note in advance if possible Call in if unexpected/email : CSP-absentee@lcps.org Last minute changes ~ please call the office Parties- no birthday parties (donate to library), please do not send party invitations to school. Fall, Winter, End of Year Team breakfast
Any Questions? Don’t forget to sign up for conferences using the Sign Up Genius link on our class website. Please consider being a room parent! This position has been shared in the past.
Class Contact Form Please provide your email address and/or phone number for our room parents and setting up play dates. The Friend Finder is no longer available this year.
Thank you!!! I so appreciate all that you do at home to prepare your child for school, and for your support of our first grade program.