Italiano con la signora Fusco Benvenuti!! Italiano con la signora Fusco
Italiano 3- third credit of foreign language sequence Objective 1: Comprehensive study and use of Italian Listening, speaking, reading and writing each day Contributing elements: Adjusting to new study habits and teacher expectations Expanded grammar study Learning to study independently – with available teacher help after class or upper-classmen tutors Equal value of tests and quizzes Independent writings for improvement and enrichment
Contributing elements : Objective 2: Success on the District final Exam for sequence completion Speaking Writing Listening comprehension Reading comprehension Contributing elements : Independent, responsible study--- do your homework OUT LOUD!!!!! Original writings – completion of all assignments Consistent home practice- also on-line! Consistent use of the spoken language in daily classroom life
Objective 3: Use of technology Wow! We are on-line! for practice and enrichment Percorsi – 2nd edition E-text, audio practice and videos Graded homework through this site Learn to record and do speaking assignments- recording equipment may be needed Also: Teacher webpage (instructions and homework)
Operating smoothly: Communication – first with student to encourage “ownership” of the goals of learning, then with parents Best means – e-mail system Tutoring/extra help – peer tutors available thru Italian Honor Society Work when absent – thru guidance or thru a classmate
Additional elements: Please note: new office phone: ext. 30016 Societa’ Onoraria Italica – the Italian Honor Society has invited new eligible candidates- we have a new cohort with some new ideas.. Stay tuned! Not just grammar…. tons of cultural tidbits each day! music for learning and fun… word games, puzzles, etc.