Composer TV Project UEQ: Why should we study music history? EQ: What was the use of music historically? EQ: How does one's environment affect artistic output?
Final Product Teams will create a 3-5 minute TV show introducing a musical composer and how the time period in which that composer lived affected his/her musical output. Your team will also be responsible for either a PowerPoint presentation, or a Publisher publication to support your television show.
Basic steps of project Identify your groups composer Identify your groups composer Research his/her life Research his/her life Identify historical events that may have influenced his/her compositions. Identify historical events that may have influenced his/her compositions. Find his/her Discography (list of compositions) Find his/her Discography (list of compositions) Listen to samples of his/her music and select three listening examples to share with the class. Listen to samples of his/her music and select three listening examples to share with the class. Decide a TV Show format Decide a TV Show format Write a script involving everyone in your group. Write a script involving everyone in your group.
Steps of project cont… Select appropriate costuming and rehearse script Select appropriate costuming and rehearse script Record the TV Show with Mr. Yon Record the TV Show with Mr. Yon Decide how your group will use PowerPoint or Publisher to support your show. Decide how your group will use PowerPoint or Publisher to support your show. Turn in the final product to Mr. Yon for review Turn in the final product to Mr. Yon for review Edit and make final changes Edit and make final changes Present the final product to the class Present the final product to the class
How will I be Graded? (project rubric) ItemsBeginningDevelopingProficientMastery PARTICIPATION Student participates to some extent in activity associated with the task yet shows little interest or personal engagement in the work Student participates in activity associated with the task and shows some self discipline and motivation in the work Student is fully engaged in work and shows willingness to develop further work skills. Student demonstrates high level of interest, personal engagement, shows initiative, enthusiasm and commitment CREATIVITY The work is of poor quality and follows only classroom examples of TV Show formats The work is of average quality showing the composers life in a boring format, without any evidence of individual thoughts or ideas. The work shows a unique perspective of the composers life and approach to the TV Show The work is of high quality with some unexpected points of humor, perspectives on the composer, approach to the TV Show, or use of color and images. GRAPHIC ORGANIZER Student copied work verbatim from another students graphic organizer Student filled in 3 boxes of organizer Student filled in all boxes but did not record the resource materials Student filled in all boxes and the resource materials
Project rubric cont… MUSICAL SELECTIONS Student had only 1 musical selection and could not explain why he/she chose the selection Student had 3 selections of composers music but could not explain why he/she chose the selection Student had less than 3 selections but could explain why he/she choice the selections Student had 3 selections and was able to explain the choice of selections USE OF TIME Student wasted class time by not staying on task or by distracting others Student worked half of each class or took an enormous amount of time getting started each day Student worked throughout the class time most days, with 2-3 days of wasted time or was interested only in his/her individual grade/success Student worked every day in class towards the success of the project and the group with no loss if time during the class period.
Tips for Success!! Stay on Task! Stay on Task! Finish each days task in a timely manner Finish each days task in a timely manner Dont fall behind Dont fall behind If a disagreement occurs in the group: If a disagreement occurs in the group: Try to resolve it in the group Ask Mr. Yon to mediate Forget the disagreement and continue working
Where do I find what I need? 1. Start with books in the library 2. Use internet search engines to research the composer. (Do not get information from Wikipedia). If you have a question about a site or are having trouble finding information, ASK!!! 3. Find music in Mr. Yons CD Library and online (search for public domain music for your composer). 4. Look on your student directory for samples of PowerPoint and Publisher material.
Day 1 – Get Started Select three composers and rank them from the one you definitely want to do, then two others you would do. Also give a short explanation as to why you want to report on these three composers. Choose your TV show style: Talk show Newscast Documentary Etc… Create an outline of both the TV show style and how you will use that style to present your composer to the class.
Day Research Research using the internet, music journals and books to find important information about your composer and the time period he/she lived. Research using the internet, music journals and books to find important information about your composer and the time period he/she lived. Make sure to record the resource information so to cite it correctly. Make sure to record the resource information so to cite it correctly. Take notes in Microsoft Word and save in your student directories under Music 6, 7 or 8, and then into the Composer TV folder. Take notes in Microsoft Word and save in your student directories under Music 6, 7 or 8, and then into the Composer TV folder. I will be checking this folder regularly to evaluate the information gathered. I will be checking this folder regularly to evaluate the information gathered. You will also be using a graphic organizer that will be provided. You will also be using a graphic organizer that will be provided.
Days 6-10 – Script & Set Design Write the script for your show. Write the script for your show. In the script you will include not only the words spoken during the show, but also every movement, facial expression, props used, audience reaction, any different shots or scenes. In the script you will include not only the words spoken during the show, but also every movement, facial expression, props used, audience reaction, any different shots or scenes. Design and create your set. Design and create your set.
Days Rehearsal This will be the time to memorize your lines. This will be the time to memorize your lines. Practice movements. Practice movements. Create or bring in props. Create or bring in props.
Days – Taping Each group will be filmed and the raw footage will be viewed by the class Each group will be filmed and the raw footage will be viewed by the class
Be creative and do your best!