March 19th, 2012 Consider your future and your potential career plans. What is it that you want to do or be? What role will writing play in your future? List possible tasks that you could be assigned that involve writing. Examples may include letters or email. How important do you think the quality of your writing will be to your employer?
March 20th, 2012 Yesterday we examined the ACT rubric and read about how you will be assessed on that examination. I want you to come up with your own rubric to evaluate good writing. What characteristics should be assessed? What elements would you keep from the ACT rubric and which would you change? How would you suggest changing them? Why is your rubric more accurate or more fair?
Prompt #1 List List main points List counter-arguement List supporting evidence More supporting evidence List counter-arguement
Prompt # 1 Some social media sites, such as Facebook, Pintrest, and Tumblr, are considering charging members for use of their services to maintain their sites and to cover their business expenses. Because of the high volume of visitors to each site daily, there is a huge opportunity for revenue. On the other hand, membership may drop if fees are introduced. Would you support fees for members of social media sites?
Prompt #2 A: B:
Prompt #2 There is currently a push for electronic learning for K-12 students. In some areas virtual schools are offered to students where they can take all of their classes online from the comfort of their home starting in 6th grade. Some parents argue that these e-classrooms allow their students the freedom to take classes on their own time and on their own schedules. Others argue that students will miss out on the non-academic aspect of high school if they exclusively take online classes. What is your take on districts making virtual schools available to K-12 students?
Prompt #3 Outline Introduction- List main points Main Point #1 Evidence Counter-arguement Main Point #2 Main Point #3 Conclusion- Reword main points
Prompt #3 The age group associated with the highest number of car accidents is 16-18 year olds. Because of this, some state government officials are considering changing the legal driving age from 16 to 18 in their respective states. Some argue, however, that the first few years a driver is on the road increases the likelihood of an accident no matter the age of the driver. Would you agree or disagree with this policy change if it was implemented in your state within the next year?
March 21st, 2012 Brainstorm what would make the ideal spring break. Consider where you would go, who you’d go with, and what you’d do while there. Then, create an outline following the guidelines discussed yesterday as if you had to prepare a persuasive essay explaining why your spring break idea is the best.
March 22nd, 2012 Explain why the ACT is important to you. We’ve discussed several reasons in class, but which reason do you think is the most true? What do you hope to gain from taking the ACT? Which portion (reading, writing, math, science, or social studies) do you think will be your most successful? Why? Which portion, as of right now, do you think is your biggest area for improvement? Why?
March 23rd, 2012 For TKM this week, you focused on identifying characters. Which character do you think you are the most like? Give several reasons why. What aspects of yourself do you see in the character? What similarities do you have with that character and what differences? Who is your favorite character? Is it the same character as you listed above? Why do you think it either is or isn’t?