Governor Induction part 1 STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP Rebecca Walker & Clive Haines
Welcome to Governance Introduce yourself and share the following information: What category of governor you are How long you have been a governor How many meetings you have attended
Welcome to Governance NGA Welcome to Governance A guide for newly appointed governors of state schools
Roles and Responsibilities What is your understanding of your role as a governor?
Roles and Responsibilities To help schools to provide the best possible education for their pupils, in all types of schools governing boards should have a strong focus on three core strategic functions: Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
Shared Strategic Leadership Building a productive and supportive relationship with the headteacher while holding them to account for school performance and taking hard strategic decisions. Governors are responsible and accountable in law and in practice for major decisions about the school and its future. Governors are equal partners in leadership with the headteacher and the senior management team. Governors should strive to achieve school improvement and help schools ensure that every child gets the best possible education and does as well as s/he can.
Your School’s Vision Developing a strong vision statement can help stakeholders in your school reach a common understanding The vision is your school's goal — where you hope to see it in the future. Do you know your school’s vision?
Strategic Direction It involves asking the questions: Where are we now? Where do we need to be? How do we know? A PLAN with different names
Strategic Plan Agreed by the Governing Board and Senior Leaders Setting out the vision for the school and its broad ambitions Developed in discussion with staff, parents and pupils
School Development Plan Developed by the Senior Leaders, based on desired outcomes of the Strategic Plan With details of how the strategy will be turned into reality
Implementation of the SDP Carried out by the Senior Leaders and the staff Monitored for its IMPACT by the Governors
Strategic vs Operational The plans made and the actions to be taken in an effort to enable the school fulfil its intended purpose.
Strategic vs Operational The plans made and the actions to be taken in an effort to enable the school fulfil its intended purpose. Operational To be involved in the actual ‘doing’ of the plans and actions.
Quiz – Strategic or Operational?
Things to consider How does your governing board work strategically? Do you have clear goals? How do you know how well your school is performing? On what evidence do you base your judgements? What is the relationship between the school's self evaluation and the school’s strategic plan?
Meetings: Agendas
Meetings: Minutes
Does my governing board… think and act strategically? know about, and take into account recent changes in education and children’s services? canvass and take into account the views of parents, pupils and others in the community? keep abreast of possible future trends and changes? ever get involved with the more operational day-to-day management of the school?
Communications Leadership Update Termly updates Schools’ Bulletin (RBWM) Safeguarding Clerks Information Advice Governor Services Via your clerk or directly
Training Governor Central (Wednesday evening) Training for 2017-18 at:
Governance Handbook For governors in maintained schools, academies and free schools. It covers: Core roles and functions Legal and statutory duties/requirements
NGA LearningLink E-learning portal for governors. Your clerk can give you the details of how to register.
Questions Any questions ?