APUSH Review: Video #37: Laissez-Faire, The Industrial Workforce, And The “New South” (Key Concept 6.1, II, A - D) Shoutout to Mr. Paccone’s class in San Marino, CA. Thanks for the support! Everything You Need To Know About Laissez-Faire, The Industrial Workforce, And The “New South” To Succeed In APUSH www.APUSHReview.com
Laissez-Faire What is it? Government policy of NOT regulating the economy Government keeps its “hands-off” the economy Where did this idea originate? Adam Smith - 1776 - The Wealth of Nations Markets should be regulated by the “invisible hand” of supply and demand Used by businesses to justify practices and wealth Carnegie - steel; Rockefeller - oil; Morgan - banking
The Industrial Workforce 2/3 of workers worked for wages Many worked 6 days a week @ 10 hours a day Children often worked to provide for families
The Industrial Workforce - Internal & International Migration Internal Migration: Many farmers moved to cities to work in factories International Migration: “New” Immigration: Predominantly Southern and Eastern Europe Italy, Poland, etc. Chinese immigration on the west coast Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 (banned Chinese immigration)
Labor Vs. Management Conflicts between labor and management emerged over: Wages Working conditions As a result, workers will organize labor unions on the local and national level
Unions National Labor Union: Created in 1866 - fought for higher wages and an 8- hour workday Also sought equal rights for women and African Americans Knights of Labor: Led by Terrance Powderly - Skilled AND unskilled workers Sought to abolish child labor and trusts and monopolies Declined after the Haymarket Square Riot in 1886 American Federation of Labor: Led by Samuel Gompers - Skilled workers Focused on “bread and butter” issues - 8 hour workday, higher wages
Key Strikes To Know Great Railroad Strike (1877): Reaction to wage cuts President Hayes sided with the RRs Homestead Strike (1892): Carnegie Steel Plant Wages were cut by 20% Strikebreakers were called in Pullman Strike: Pullman Palace Car - luxury railroad cars Workers went on strike, Cleveland used troops to end the strike
The “New South” Some southern leaders called for a “New South” Henry Grady - editor of the Atlantic Constitution Called for increased industrialization in the South; emergence of more textile factories However, sharecropping and tenant farming remained a constant Leasing land and paying with a share of crops
Quick Recap Laissez-faire and justification of wealth The Industrial workforce - internal and international migrants Unions Key strikes to know The “New” South
See You Back Here For Video #38: The Populist Party Thanks for watching Best of luck!