Tyrell’s Fallibility 2:11-2:21 Beth and Kerry
Description A close up of Batty’s face dominates the scene; the candlelight illuminating the sweat on his face. Tyrell walks in front of Batty, his face not seen. Batty’s eyes follow Tyrell as the camera zooms closer. The close up on Batty’s face captures the focused replicant eyes. This, combined with the lengthy duration of the shot, also captures Batty’s growing realisation that there is nothing Tyrell can do.
Tyrell is clearly aware of Batty’s superior physique Tyrell is clearly aware of Batty’s superior physique. Batty seems nervous, demonstrated by the sweat on his face. Batty comes to the realisation that there is no way to save him, as Tyrell tries to justify himself.
A close up of Batty’s face dominates the scene; the candlelight illuminating the sweat on his face. Tyrell walks in front of Batty, his face not seen. Batty’s eyes follow Tyrell as the camera zooms closer. The close up on Batty’s face captures the focused replicant eyes. The scene is low lit with flickering candlelight. The lengthy duration of the shot, and the unfaltering gaze of Batty captures his growing realisation that there is nothing Tyrell can do.