STDs/STIs and Contraceptives
Sexually Transmitted Diseases/Infections Until the 1970’s people were only aware of syphilis and gonorrhea. Both could be cured with penicillin. Today we know of 20-25 STD’s. (Another source says 57 + in 1993) Viral infections such as HPV (Human papillomavirus), herpes, and HIV have no cure. Bacterial infections such as gonorrhea, syphilis, Chlamydia, and cancroids can be passed through oral sex. As well as viral infections such as HPV, herpes, and hepatitis B. 70-80 percent of the time, an STD carrier will have absolutely NO SYMPTOMS
Some can cause scar tissue in your fallopian tubes, preventing your eggs from ever getting fertilized There are SOME tests to confirm if a partner has an STD. But usually there are no symptoms present and so it can be passed on before anyone is aware Condoms do not offer protection for diseases like HPV and herpes, since they can be transmitted by skin to skin contact around the genital area. Females suffer the majority of consequences- infertility, cancer, other chronic pelvic problems
Syphilis bacterial/antibiotic treatment begins with a lesion in the genital area may cure on its own or cause further outbreaks and damage the brain, heart, bones, etc. affects central nervous system/bones in babies
Gonorrhea Bacterial/antibiotic treatment occurs in cervix, urethra, rectum, throat and eyes 80% of woman can have no symptoms can cause infertility
Chlamydia Bacterial/antibiotic treatment 50% of men feel penis urination pain symptoms woman may experience no symptoms before damage to reproductive organs is already done damages eyes and lungs in children
Hepatitis B Hepatitis B is a virus which infects the liver. It is present in both the blood and body fluids of infected people. Adults who are infected may have no symptoms or they may become ill. Symptoms may include fever, abdominal pain, dark urine, nausea and jaundice (yellow skin and eyes). After infection, most adults recover and become immune to the virus. A few people do not clear the virus. They become carriers and may infect other people.
Herpes can be contracted mouth-to-mouth painful soars or ulcers lasting a week recurring episodes for life antiviral therapies exist in babies it can cause neurological defects/death
HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) because it’s a virus, it is with you for life symptoms include genital warts in the genital areas of men and women present in over 93% of all cases of cervical cancer can lead to cancer of the vagina, penis, anal canal, or mouth condoms are ineffective protection against HPV
50% chance of getting it in one encounter transmission by toilet seat/towels is possible according to some sources can cause warts which doctors can burn off with a laser. This can affect the chances of getting pregnant later on
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and AIDS HIV attacks normal cells and destroys their ability to protect the individual Develops into AIDS causing infections/tumors/death Course of HIV to AIDS varies -.7-1 0 years The Aids virus is 450 times smaller than a single sperm. There are small pores in condoms -1.5 microns which is 10 times the size of the AIDS virus and 25 times the size of the hep-B virus Condoms only reduce the risk of HIV by 69%.
Pregnancy Prevention Contraceptive Method Effectiveness Vasectomy Female sterilization The Pill Contraceptive injection IUS (intra-uterine secretion) IUD (intra-uterine device) The mini-Pill Male condom Female condom Diaphragm with spermicide Almost 100% 98 to 99% 97 to 98 per cent Around 98 per cent 90 to 98 per cent 90 to 96 per cent
With the exception of withdrawal (coitus interruptus), the above methods have the blessing of family planning experts because when used properly, they prevent pregnancy. However, while the rhythm method is okay for well-motivated couples who have been trained in its use by a qualified natural family planning teacher, for the rest of us, it’s a bit risky. Also very risky are certain non-approved methods, for instance, using spermicides (chemical pessaries, creams or foams), or washing your vagina after sex. Practices like ‘doing it standing up’ or ‘coughing a lot afterwards’ or ‘trying not to ejaculate’ DO NOT WORK , and will simply lead to unwanted pregnancy.
None of the methods is 100 per cent effective, which means the only guaranteed way of preventing conception is to not have sex! (Abstinence) You should also remember that some methods are quite complicated to use, and no method is as safe as the figures quoted if you don’t follow the instructions carefully. For example, if you are taking the Pill, you shouldn’t miss taking a tablet. If you are using condoms, you should make sure you put them on before sex starts – not half way through. If you’re relying on the contraceptive injection, you need to turn up for your jab on time. Every method can fail if you don’t take care.
Avril Lavigne-Don't Tell Me