Television vs. Magazines June, 2011
Television vs. Magazines Television sets itself apart from other media with its ability to offer sight, sound, and motion to generate emotional responses from the viewer. The engaging qualities of television allow advertisers to create a long lasting and memorable brand image. Television has unbeatable scale and reach that reaches audiences quickly and effectively.
Television vs. Magazines Magazines only target specific demographic segments. TV has the ability to target specific demographics and at the same time, reach a critical mass of viewers. In order to reach a similar mass as TV, one would have to advertise in hundreds of magazines which would not be cost effective. TV offers not only sight, but also sound and motion. Ads in magazines are strictly visual and do not connect with viewers the same way as TV advertisements do. Source: Magazine Advertising Effectiveness, Guy Consterdine,
Television vs. Magazines Cross-media Comparison Cross study comparison – Weekly hours Adults Source: Marketing Magazine May 17, 2010 na
Television vs. Magazines Since many people casually flip through magazines, advertisements may only be seen for a fraction of a second. This can make it difficult for consumers to recall specific advertisements. TV reaches viewers when they are most receptive to advertising. TV ads bring the entertainment and brand to the viewer without the viewer needing to make any effort. The reader of a magazine must take an active approach to look at advertisements. Source: Magazine Advertising Effectiveness, Guy Consterdine,
Television vs. Magazines Person-to-person communication is achieved through the combination of both the spoken word and unspoken elements such as body language and gestures. Television has both visual and sound capabilities which allowing it to come closer than any other medium to offer ideal communication. Televisions ability to touch senses simultaneously creates a synergistic effect that cannot be duplicated by only stimulating an individual sense.
Television vs. Magazines Reading a magazine requires more mental effort than viewing television. Consumers are typically expecting to be entertained rather than made to work. The process of scanning the pages means having to constantly make decisions with relatively high attention. On average, only about 60-70% of all content (ads and editorial) in a magazine is actually viewed by a reader. Source: Magazine Advertising Effectiveness, Guy Consterdine,
Television vs. Magazines Exposure to an advertisement in a magazine is under the readers control, whereas; television viewers may happily attend to an advertisement for product if the commercial is entertaining. TV and magazine ads are stored in memory in different ways. A TV commercial tends to be held in the mind as a story. With magazine ads, a higher proportion of memories are stored as information about the product rather than about the ad itself. Source: Magazine Advertising Effectiveness, Guy Consterdine,
Television vs. Magazines Consumers Surveys TVB participates in omnibus telephone surveys conducted by BBM Analytics to gauge consumers attitudes towards advertising in all major media and to gain insight into their behaviour with media Surveys include: Perception of Advertising Effectiveness Receptivity to Advertising Screen Preference Media Synergy PVR Impact
Television vs. Magazines Advertising Effectiveness Source: BBM Analytics May 2010 Which ONE media source carries advertising that you believe to be the most Influential?
Television vs. Magazines Advertising Effectiveness Source: BBM Analytics May 2010 Which ONE media source carries advertising that you believe to be the most Persuasive?
Television vs. Magazines Advertising Effectiveness Source: BBM Analytics May 2010 Which ONE media source carries advertising that you believe to be the most Powerful?
Television vs. Magazines Advertising Receptivity Source: BBM Analytics June 2010 In which medium are you most likely to Notice advertising?
Television vs. Magazines Advertising Receptivity Source: BBM Analytics June 2010 When are you most Receptive to advertising messages?
Television vs. Magazines Advertising Receptivity Source: BBM Analytics June 2010 When do you pay the most Attention to advertising messages?
Television vs. Magazines Advertising Receptivity Source: BBM Analytics June 2010 Thinking about your Favourite advertisement, where did you see it?
Television vs. Magazines Advertising Receptivity Source: BBM Analytics June 2010 Have you ever seen an ad that has made you Laugh or Cry? Where?
Television vs. Magazines According to a study conducted in the U.K. by Thinkbox: –TV is a profit generator. On average, a £1 million increase in TV investment yielded a £4.5 million increase in sales. –Magazine advertising did not produce results nearly as significant compared to TV. –TV delivers its value over a much longer time frame (45% of its total sales effect is delivered after the first year). Source: Thinkbox 2008
Television vs. Magazines Television commercials account for 10.3% of all word of mouth conversations in regards to brands. This compared to only 2.6% for ads featured in a magazine. Television is the leader in ad expenditure volume and is the media advertisers entrust the largest share of their media budgets to. TV has the ability to spark a conversation, and advertisers wanting to start lots of conversations quickly have to consider television. Source: ADMAP November 2010
Television vs. Magazines Attitudes of adults towards product placement in TV shows 24% agree to the statement After I watch my favourite TV show, I can remember brand name products the characters were using during the show. 22% agree to the statement To see a character interact with brand name products I use makes the show more real to me. 41% agree to the statement When I watch TV, I often notice brand name products used as part of the set. Source: TV Dimensions 2010
Television vs. Magazines The people who saw a magazine ad followed by a TV commercial, got more out of the commercial: –They paid greater attention to the soundtrack, the visual elements, and the brand name. –They also had more thoughts evaluating the brand, and more thoughts evaluating other aspects of the commercial. –In addition, there was greater brand name recall, and greater recall and recognition of brand claims. Evidently print makes television work better. Source: Magazine Advertising Effectiveness, Guy Consterdine,
Television vs. Magazines Magazines have less flexible production schedules which require ads to be submitted several weeks before publication. These production schedules make it more difficult to use information pertaining to matters of current or local interest. TV campaigns can be put on the air in a relatively short period of time. Very few magazines have a large circulation. New issues of magazines are only circulated on a weekly or monthly basis. TV has the ability to reach target audiences quickly and effectively. Source: Marketing Tenth Edition, McGraw-Hill Ryerson 2004
Television vs. Magazines In Summary: –Television is far more effective than magazines in conveying an advertisers message as TV impacts the consumers several different senses simultaneously. –Research shows people identify TV as the medium they find to be most effective, engaging, and persuasive. –The visual and emotional attributes of TV advertising allow for better retention of information and brand awareness on the part of the consumer.