Project 2: Wide-band TV Amplifier EE 140 – Fall 2010 Brian Zimmer Chau H. V. Nguyen
Design Common Base (high bandwidth) Low Vdd for low power C2 decreases input resistance RE||(rπ+Rb)/(β+1) rπ/(β+1)50 Re sizing: p1 = gm/Cpi gm = Ic/Vt Ic = Ve/Re (Ve fixed at 10% Vdd) So want small Re! Rc sizing: Gain = gmRc > 5 Rc/Re > 0.26
Measurements/Results Put resistor in parallel with R1 to increase gain!
Lessons Take the time to do the hand calculations in order to gain intuition Do incremental design (both in SPICE and physically) – Eg. Use ideal sources to bias first Overdesign in SPICE Simpler designs easier to get right physically Be careful soldering