Exhaled Breath Analysis with a Colorimetric Sensor Array for the Identification and Characterization of Lung Cancer  Peter J. Mazzone, MD, MPH, Xiao-Feng.


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Presentation transcript:

Exhaled Breath Analysis with a Colorimetric Sensor Array for the Identification and Characterization of Lung Cancer  Peter J. Mazzone, MD, MPH, Xiao-Feng Wang, PhD, Yaomin Xu, PhD, Tarek Mekhail, MD, MSc, Mary C. Beukemann, Jie Na, MS, Jonathan W. Kemling, PhD, Kenneth S. Suslick, PhD, Madhu Sasidhar, MD  Journal of Thoracic Oncology  Volume 7, Issue 1, Pages 137-142 (January 2012) DOI: 10.1097/JTO.0b013e318233d80f Copyright © 2012 International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer Terms and Conditions

FIGURE 1 Image of the colorimetric sensor used in this study. Twenty-four chemically reactive colorants are printed on a disposable cartridge. The reactive colorants used in the studied array are listed as they appear on the cartridge. Exhaled breath is drawn across the cartridge in the direction shown. Journal of Thoracic Oncology 2012 7, 137-142DOI: (10.1097/JTO.0b013e318233d80f) Copyright © 2012 International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer Terms and Conditions

FIGURE 2 Receiver operating characteristic curves for the most accurate validated models comparing non-small cell carcinoma to controls and for the individual non-small cell carcinoma histologies to controls. Journal of Thoracic Oncology 2012 7, 137-142DOI: (10.1097/JTO.0b013e318233d80f) Copyright © 2012 International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer Terms and Conditions