Budgeting with dafvm
Learning objectives DAFVM budgetary administration Separately budgeted units Legislative Budget Process Operating Budget
DAFVM budgetary administration The faces of budget
Faces of budget College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) – Bobbie Baker College of Forest Resources/Forest and Wildlife Research Center (CFR/FWRC) – Crissy Hathcock Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station (MAFES) – Anne Cook Mississippi State University Extension Service (EXT) – Richard Swann and Vicki Vaughn Office of the Vice President – Bobbie Baker and Lynn Lewis
What is a separately budgeted unit? Individually budgeted DAFVM Units: FWRC, MAFES, EXT, and CVM Balance to the Senate Bill
Legislative budget process June: Begin entering next fiscal year budget request July: 5-year Strategic Plan August: Budget request due on or before August 1 September: Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC) meets to hear agency budget requests and State revenue estimates. Manpower report due. November: The JLBC meets to consider the LBR and to adopt the latest State revenue projections. December: The JLBC meets to adopt the LBR. The Legislative Budget Book is published. January – March/April – Legislative Session. Appropriations bills are passed near the end of the session. Manpower report due. February 1 – Capacity Fund Report Due.
Operating budget
March 1 – March 31 : Budget to Banner comparisons End of April: Yellow Sheets are disbursed for data changes Mid-May: All Yellow sheets are due to the Budget Office May 30: Summary of budgets to President for approval May 31: Analysis submitted to IHL. Operating budget Budget calendar and timeline.
Raises Legislative Session Is there a new governor? Operating budget PHASE II
Guidelines: the basics FTE’s Titles 9 or 12 month Mid-year Names Salary Rehired Retirees/lecturers Position Numbers
Guidelines: Budget to Banner comparison Importance What to change
Guidelines: differences Graduate Assistants Faculty Promotions Educational Achievements EEO categories Operating funds Activity Codes