Pathashala Curriculum Review Meeting Prepared By: PRERIT SHAH Presented To: JSH Pathashala Committee
Purpose of the Meeting To discuss the findings of pathashala curriculum review of class 8 (JES_401). To outline a corrective action plan. To seek feedback on findings & corrective action plan. To develop an implementation plan based on the findings and feedback.
Few Clarifications The only intent of today’s presentation is to make our pathashala program better and to correct the flaws in the curriculum. The comments and findings of this presentation are not directed towards any specific individual/sect/organization; rather, they relate directly to the content of the curriculum (so called “Jain Physics”) This is not about “Who is right/wrong” and its all about “What is right/wrong”.
Review Process & Resources JES_401 book Jain Shastras Kund-Kundacharya tradition (Digambar) 9 Tattva material from Pandit Dhiraj Lal Mehta. (Shwetambar) Some “Shrimad Raj Chandra” & “Dada Bhagwan” material. Conversations/Opinions of visiting scholars of both Digambar and Shwetambar traditions visiting at Jain Society of Houston (JSH).
Purpose of the Jain Pathashala Main Objective – To learn/teach path of Moksha (Liberation). Secondary Objectives – (By products) Character development Stress Management Techniques Conflict Resolution Techniques Positive Attitude Can we or should we take our main objective out of curriculum? Consensus? - Approach of the pathashala can be to teach the path of liberation such that the secondary objectives are incorporated into it. Recommendation – Purpose and rationale behind why one should attain Moksha and one should study Jainism should be made explicitly clear before we teach anything else.
Nischaya & Vyavahar Naya Jain Agams are in written in mainly 2 point of views. Nischaya Naya Vyavahar Naya Nischaya Naya describes things the way they really are. It represents the truth. Equanimity cannot be achieved without learning concepts from this point of view. Vyavahar Naya describes things as they are perceived/spoken rather than as they are due to object’s association with reality. Example of Glass of Water Example of Jiv from Nischaya-Vyavahar Consensus? – Without learning “Nayas”, one cannot truly grasp the essence of Jainism. Without learning “Nischaya Naya”, “Vyavahar Naya” becomes “Mithyatva” (Wrong Belief) Recommendation – Nayas should be taught before we start teaching Jain concepts. “Nischaya Naya” must be taught before/along with “Vyavahar Naya”. 6 Dravya , 9 Tattvas and Moksha Marg should be taught from both point of views.
Moksha Marg Samyag Gnan-Darshan-Charitra Every Jain sect is in agreement with the above path. However, everyone differs on What is Samyag Gnan Samyag Darshan Samyag Charitra Consensus? – Samyag Darshan is the first thing to be achieved in order to achieve Moksha. There cannot be any Samvar, Nirjara, Samyag Charitra or Moksha without Samyag Darshan.
Samyag Darshan Gnan, Darshan (Shraddha) and Charitra are properties (Guna) of Jiv. Why would there be No Samyag Charitra, Samvar, Nirjara (sakam), Moksha without Samyag Darshan? So long the wrong beliefs are present, Jiv would see external factors as cause of his problems. Along with this belief, there will be “anantanubandhi krodh” in Charitra Guna. Similarly, “anantanubandhi maan, maya, lobh” would also exist as long as Mithyatva exists. Any Vrat-Tap-Upvas done without Samyag Darshan (thinking that it would do Samvar, Nirjara) would add to Mithyatva (Akatva-Mamatva-Kartutva-Bhoktrutva).
Samyag Darshan From Vyavahar Naya, Samyag Darshan is described in following ways: (Ref - Moksha Marg Prakashak) Right Belief of 9 fundamentals (Tattva Shraddhan) Right Belief in true Dev-Shastra-Guru Right Belief about self and non-self From Nischaya Naya, Samyag Darshan is described as: (Ref – Moksha Marg Prakashak / Punchaastikaai) Right Faith/Belief with conviction of Atma (without doubts) resulting with the “Nirvikalp Atmanubhuti” (Experience of soul). Samyag Darshan starts with this “Nirvikalp Atmanubhuti.”
Samyag Darshan As you can see, we can call “Vyavahar Samyag Darshan” only when “Nischaya Samyag Darshan” is present. Right Firm beliefs described in Vyavahar Samyag Darshan would be present only when Nischaya Samyag Darshan is attained. So, Vyavahar Samyag Darshan is just a Nimitta (external present cause – not the real cause) of Samyag Darshan. Nischaya Samyag Darshan (Right Belief with conviction resulting with experience of soul) is true Samyag Darshan. Merely, believing in 9 Tattvas, Dev-Shastra-Guru or Atma is not called Samyag Darshan. Merely because, one has only outside aspects/qualities (Nissankia, Nikkankhia etc.) of Samyag Darshan does not mean person has real Samyag Darshan.
Samyag Darshan Recommendations – Need to teach/stress that there cannot be any Samyag Charitra, Samvar or Nirjara without Samyag Darshan. Need to teach “Samyag Darshan” from Nischaya Naya as well; because, otherwise only learning from Vyavahar Naya would add to “Mithyatva” about “Samyag Darshan”. Need to teach a general method of attaining Samyag Darshan Identification of true Dev-Guru-Shastra (How to identify them?) Tattva Abhyas/Nirnay (From Nischaya/Vyavahar Naya) Bhed Vignan (Identification & clear understanding between Jiv/Ajiv) Atmanubhuti (How to experience soul?)
Samyag Charitra From “Nischaya Naya”, Jiv’s equanomous paryay in charitra Guna is called Samyag Charitra. (Atma na Charitra Gun ni Nirvikari Vitaragi paryay) That is free from All Bhav of Pap-Punya Vikalp of all Vrat-Tap-Upvas-Gupti-Samiti Reference: Punchaastikaai Now, when Jiv cannot stay in Nischaya Charitra (Nirvikalp Atma Dhyan), it does follow certain codes of conduct (Gupti, Samitis,Tapas) in the life. This called “Samyag Charitra” from “Vyavahar Naya”. Note that, Vyavahar charitra is “Rag (Vikalp)” in reality and cause of Bandh. But, Jiva follows to avoid them according to one’s Gun Sthanak when not in Nischaya Charitra. Samyag Drashti Jiv considers “Nischaya Charitra” as “Updadey” and “Vyavahar Charitra” as “Hey”. One who believes “Vyavahar Charitra” as “Upadey” does not have Samyag Darshan and will cause “Anatanubandhi” bandh.
Samyag Charitra Consensus? Recommendations – Nischaya Samyag Charitra is “Upadey” and Vyavahar Charitra as “Hey”. Teaching “Vyavahar Charitra” only will add to “Mithyatva” related to Samyag Charitra. Recommendations – Need to teach “Nischaya Samyag Charitra” along with “Vyavahar Charitra” Also, need to teach method of achieving “Nischaya Samyag Charitra”.
6 Dravya Recommendations – 6 dravyas should be taught from “Nischaya” and “Vyavahar” Naya as well. Teach Dravya, Guna, Paryay and Need to emphasize on common attributes of Dravyas and realize that one dravya cannot do anything to another dravya. Concept of Nimitta Upadan must be taught at this point. It will help achieve “Bhed Gnan” between Jiv Ajiv Need to emphasize that “Karya” happens by “Upadan” and “Nimitta” is just a present condition and is not involved in “Karya”. This concept is vital to explain the purusharth of Jiv, to take responsibility for its own actions and to stop blaming others for its own actions. Samyag Darshan cannot be achieved without learning this concept. Need to derive some conclusions as to what each of the common attributes tell us in general rather than just merely mentioning and explaining them.
Jiv Ajiv From “Nischaya Naya”,Jiv is a dravya that has Gnan-Darshan-Charitra-Shraddha-Sukh Gunas (and more). From “Vyavahar Naya”, Manush, Tiryanch, Naraki, Dev etc..are called Jiv. Recommendations – Need to spend more time talking about Jiv from Nischaya Naya. Need to make it explicitly clear about what is Jiv and what is not Jiv? (Mind, Body, Speech, Karma are not Jiv) Need to make it explicitly clear who is doer of what? Jiv is doer of its own Guna and Paryays Pudagalas are doers of mind, body, speech, karmas Jiv cannot do anything to Pudagala and Pudagala (Karma) cannot do anything to Jiv from Nischaya Naya (Reality) From Vyavahar Naya, it is said (because of Nimitta-Naimittik relationship) that Jiv is doer and sufferer of Karma and its actions. From Nischaya Naya, Jiv is only sufferer (bhokta) of its own paryays. Specifically talk more about Gnan, Shraddha, Charitra, Darshan, Sukh, Virya Gunas. Need to spend more time on Jiv than Karmas.
Asrav Recommendations (Ref – Punchaastikaai) Since, all the kashayas will exist so long the Mithyatva exists, highest emphasis should be placed on teaching what Mithyatva is. Asrav should be taught from “Nischaya Naya” (Bhav Asrav) and “Vyavahar Naya” (Dravya Asrav). Book talks about Asrav only from Vyavahar Naya. Kartutva buddhi in par dravya and vikar (doership) Mamatva buddhi in par dravya and vikar Akatva buddhi in par dravya and vikar Bhoktrutva buddhi in par dravya and vikar Should be made explicitly clear that all the other Asrav would exists so long the Mithyatva exists. Bhav Asrav is the real cause of asrav not the dravya asrav. Concept of Nimitta Upadan will come in play here. Dravya Asrav is just a nimitta and bhav asrav is Jiv’s own Upadan. Bhav Asrav is in Jiv’s Paryay and Dravya Asrav is in Pudagal’s paryay. Bhav asrav is the root cause of Dravya Asrav. Dravya Asrav is just a result.
Samvar Recommendations – (Ref – Punchaastikaai) Since, all the kashayas will exist so long the Mithyatva exists, highest emphasis should be placed achieving Samyag Darshan. Samvar should be taught from “Nischaya Naya” (Bhav Samvar) and “Vyavahar Naya” (Dravya Samvar). Book talks about Samvar only from Vyavahar Naya. Should be made explicitly clear that no Samvar would take place until Samyag Darshan. Book mentions this, but need to make this clear in class. Bhavnas, Das Laxans, Parisaha Jaya, Gupti, Samitis, Charitra, Varats will not lead to any samvar before Samyag Darshan. Bhav Samvar is the real cause of Samvar not the dravya Samvar. Concept of Nimitta Upadan will come in play here. Dravya Samvar is just a nimitta and Bhav Samvar is Jiv’s own Upadan.
Punya Recommendations – (Punchaatikaai, Moksha Marg Prakashak) Should be taught from Nischaya (Bhav Punya) and Vyavahar Naya (Dravya Punya). Currently, it is being taught only from Vyavahar Naya. Book confuses “Punya” with “Shuddha Bhav”. Punya is not “Shuddha Bhav” and its “Shubh Bhav” only. This needs to be corrected. Rag is not a property of Jiv. Should be made explicitly clear that Punya activity (bhav) done with the intention of earning Punya or something else causes Pap Bandh. (Ref – Moksha Marg Prakashak) Should be made clear that Punya bhav is cause of Bandh and not cause of Moksha. There is a common misconception out there that Moksha can be attained by doing Punya. Punya bhav is also considered “Hey”; It is only advisable when one cannot stay in “Shuddha Bhav” with the awareness that its (“Hey”) worth giving up; One who considers Punya as “Upadey” causes Anantanubandhi Bandh.
Pap Recommendations – (Punchaatikaai) Should be taught from Nischaya (Bhav Pap) and Vyavahar Naya (Dravya Pap). Currently, it is being taught only from Vyavahar Naya. Need to emphasize that Mithyatva Shalya is the worst type of Pap and all other Pap will exist so long the Mithyatva exists.
Bandh Recommendations Should be taught the cause of bandh from Nischaya (Bhav Bandh) and Vyavahar Naya (Dravya Bandh). Nayas should be made in clear in the book. Bhav Bandh is the cause and Dravya bandh is the result. Should be taught that belief plays a key role here. One who believes Pap-Punya as “Upadey” and his nature causes Anantanubandhi Bandh. Should be made clear that one who believes Pap-Punya both as “Hey” does not cause Anantanubandhi Bandh. Should be made clear that one would cause Anatanubandhi bandh until achieving Samyag Darshan.
Nirjara Recommendations – (Ref – Punchaastikaai) Nirjara should be taught from “Nischaya Naya” (Bhav Nirjara) and “Vyavahar Naya” (Dravya Nirjara). Nayas should be made clear in the book. Should be made explicitly clear that no Nirjara would take place until Samyag Darshan. Book mentions this, but need to make this clear in class. Upvas-Dhyan and other type of Tapas will not lead to any Nirjara before attaining Samyag Darshan. Bhav Nirjara (Nischaya Dhyan Shuddha Upayog) is the real cause of Nirjara not the Vyavahar Nirjara (Bahya Tap and Vikalp of Antarang Nimitta). Concept of Nimitta Upadan will come in play here. Vyavahar Nirjara (Tapa) is just a nimitta and Bhav Samvar is Jiv’s own Upadan.
Ahimsa Recommendations – (Ref “Pursharth Siddhi Upay) Need to teach Concept of Ahimsa from “Nischaya” and “Vyavahar” Nayas. Book only talks about Ahimsa from Vyavahar Naya. From Nischaya Naya, Rag-Dwesh in Jiv’s paryay is called Himsa. Jiv is causing its own “Bhav Maran”. From Nischaya Naya no one can cause any Himsa to anyone. From Vyavahar Naya, we talk about Himsa in different forms. Concept of Nimitta Upadan. One can only become Nimitta and not karta of other’s Himsa. Teaching Ahimsa only from Nischaya Naya would add to Mithyatva.
Aparigraha Recommendations Should also be taught from Nischaya and Vyavahar Naya. Should be made explicitly clear that all the Parigraha would still exist so long the Mithyatva exists.
Corrective Action Plan At present, I could not find any material in English that covers right material as per the recommendations mentioned here. JES_401 book can be modified to accommodate recommendations mentioned in the previous slides. However, this could be a long term option. In the short term, I can offer to prepare power point charts for JSH with the material referenced to authentic Jain Shastras. Here is the outline, objective and references of the proposed sequence.