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Scholarships John F. Kennedy Profiles in Courage Essay Contest $10,000 January Deadline 9-12th Graders http://www.jfklibrary.org/Education/Profile-in-Courage-Essay-Contest.aspx
CHAPTER 15 Property and Its Acquisition 4/14/2019 CHAPTER 15 Property and Its Acquisition 15-1 Types of Property 15-2 How Property Is Acquired and Held
Example: Needing a vacation after finishing a new edition of his book, Jon rented a house in Beach Haven, NJ, for a couple of weeks. He looked forward to relaxing and getting away from it all during that period. Did Jon acquire property under the lease? Chapter 15
15-1 Types of Property GOALS Define property Identify the classifications of property
FOCUS What is your definition of property? Definition: the right and interests in tangible and intangible things. Title Possession Use Enjoyment Profit or Alienation
PROPERTY AND ITS CLASSIFICATION Classifications of property Real property Personal property (tangible and intangible) Intellectual Property
Real Property Realty Fixture Permanent Surface and below
Personal Property Tangible or Intangible Physical Form-tangible Goodwill and rights in intellectual value
Intellectual Property Copyrights (expression: authors, artists) Life + 70 (1/1/78) Fixed and original No need to register Infringement: unauthorized use Fair Use Chapter 15
Intellectual Property Classifications of property Trademarks and service marks Word, mark, symbol Distinctive Don’t need to register Lose if: Allow competition Used in generic descriptive: Aspirin Patents Trade secrets
PROPERTY AND ITS CLASSIFICATION Classifications of property Patents Novel, new, non-obvious, useful product/process Make, use, import, sell or offer 20 years Must register Fed Patent and trademark office Trade secrets
Question 1-9
15-2 How Property Is Acquired and Held GOALS State the different ways of acquiring property Differentiate the various ways of holding ownership to property Chapter 15
Assignment Edmodo Question 1-9, section 15-1
FOCUS How have you acquired property? Chapter 15
WAYS OF ACQUIRING PROPERTY By contract By gift By intellectual labor By inheritance By accession By finding By occupancy Chapter 15
Name the three most common means of acquiring property. Chapter 15
HOW IS OWNERSHIP OF PROPERTY HELD? Ownership in severalty Co-ownership Joint tenancy Tenancy in common Tenancy by the entireties Community property Limitations on ownership Chapter 15
What are the two basic ways to hold property? Chapter 15