Human and Animal Communication – What are the Differences?
Discuss in pairs as many ways that you can think of in which animals communicate with each other…
Watch the video and jot down some sketch notes with examples of animal communication. Try to split these up into 4 categories: survival, reproduction, food and territory
Koko the Gorilla
How are human and animal communication different?
How are human and animal communication different? Human language is productive – this means that there are an unlimited number of messages that can be conveyed using our language, where as this is not possible with animal communication Displacement is the ability of language to communicate about things that are not present, or future events Some animals can plan ahead e.g. squirrels storing nuts for the winter, but this is not communicated to others Humans can also use multiple channels to communicate the same idea – we can talk, write, draw, sign, text etc. How are human and animal communication different?