Effects of cardiopulmonary bypass on neurocognitive performance and cytokine release in old and diabetic rats  F. de Lange, J.M. Dieleman, B. Jungwirth,


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Presentation transcript:

Effects of cardiopulmonary bypass on neurocognitive performance and cytokine release in old and diabetic rats  F. de Lange, J.M. Dieleman, B. Jungwirth, C.J. Kalkman  British Journal of Anaesthesia  Volume 99, Issue 2, Pages 177-183 (August 2007) DOI: 10.1093/bja/aem116 Copyright © 2007 British Journal of Anaesthesia Terms and Conditions

Fig 1 (a) Latency in MWM for old animals in short-term testing. Mean (sd) (n = 11 per group). No differences between the groups (P = 0.58). (b) Latency in MWM for diabetic animals in short-term testing. Mean (sd) (n = 7 per group). No differences between the two groups (P = 0.64). CPB, cardiopulmonary bypass. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2007 99, 177-183DOI: (10.1093/bja/aem116) Copyright © 2007 British Journal of Anaesthesia Terms and Conditions

Fig 2 (a) Boxplot (medians and minimum/maximum values) IL-6 levels for the old animal groups. No differences between the groups at each time point. (b) Boxplot (medians and minimum/maximum values) IL-6 levels for the diabetic animal groups. IL-6 levels were significantly higher in the CPB group (*) when compared with sham animals at time point 90 CPB (P = 0.002) and 1 h post (P = 0.005). CPB, cardiopulmonary bypass. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2007 99, 177-183DOI: (10.1093/bja/aem116) Copyright © 2007 British Journal of Anaesthesia Terms and Conditions