Sharing information to assist our dialogue ASQ Sharing information to assist our dialogue
Thoughts The world is increasingly become a small place. Quality is at risk in some places. We don’t share a common understanding about the global dynamics of quality. Perhaps by increasing what we share we can learn and benefit.
I’ve heard… Australia Society, once 400 employees strong. Now out of business EOQ argues quality – left without innovation – may disappear. The prospect of one or more EOQ member bodies may disappear this year. AQP without merging with ASQ would have been gone.
But optimism is high Quality has not yet realized its full potential – not even close. There are many practitioners of quality joining quality professionals in using the tools of quality. Quality in Health, Education, Service, Government are emerging areas offering significant benefit to humanity and the economy. The world has a growing appetite and need for quality concepts, techniques, and technologies.
ASQ’s Vision (Board Provided Direction) By making quality a global priority, an organizational imperative, and personal ethic, ASQ will become the community of choice for everyone who seeks quality concepts, technology, and tools to improve themselves and their world.
Two Roles, Two Objectives (One Traditional, One Departure) To be stewards of the quality profession by providing member (customer) value To be stewards of the quality movement by providing increased value from ASQ activities
Strategic Themes (Externally Oriented) Support quality professionals and practitioners in their efforts to grow in value in the workplace and community Prove and communicate the economic case for quality to management Assure that a vital, growing Body of Knowledge is accessible to everyone Become the community of choice for quality Grow the use and impact of quality in every segment of the economy Make sure the world knows the importance and value of quality
2005 Force of Change Globalization. Innovation/Creativity/Change. Outsourcing. Consumer Sophistication. Value Creation. Changes in Quality.
15-Year Membership Trend The economic downturn and corresponding unemployment increase, and the reduction of quality departments in manufacturing have been major contributors. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 37 percent of the layoffs were in manufacturing, our main membership area. Demographically, nearly 2/3 of our members come from manufacturing. The number of female members continues slowly upward, currently at just over 26 percent. We constantly monitor member attitudes and know that the drivers of membership are networking, relevance of publications, quality of publications and their format, training, career services, section support, advocacy, and the costs related to membership and training. Volunteers and staff are working together on a major initiative in the coming fiscal related to Member Growth. An organization-wide team is assessing our portfolio, marketing strategies, pricing, and development of valued-added products and services. We are also looking at other markets and innovative membership opportunities.
Member Retention
Revenues and Expenses
Summary Quality has far from reached its full benefit to society. Despite that truth – society may be at risk of losing attention. We doubt ASQ alone has the resources to reverse the trends. We wonder – what would it take to place quality in its rightful place on the executive agenda? We wonder – what can be done to reserve the trends?
How Could it Be… that the 21st Century will be the century of quality as Dr. Juran has prophesized?
Revenue Trends
Revenue Trends