PISA for Development Technical Workshops Contextual questionnaires 10th April 2014 OECD Secretariat
Enhancing PISA’s contextual questionnaires Result of meeting 1: Agreement reached among participants regarding the main technical challenges to be addressed and the most technically sound and viable options for addressing these, in the context of the PISA for Development project: Identify constructs and indices that are likely to be less operable in developing country contexts, as well as options for the expansion and equating of these with current PISA indices and scales. Identify relevant constructs to be considered for inclusion in the development, field-trialling and validation of instruments. The main focus will be on adapting items that currently form part of the PISA indices and scales to ensure maximum international comparability
Enhancing PISA’s contextual questionnaires Result of meeting 2: The scope and content of the expert paper discussed and agreed among participants as the technical basis to further develop the technical strand of work related to enhancing the PISA contextual questionnaires through the PISA for Development project.
Enhancing PISA’s contextual questionnaires Result of meeting 3 Key components and general structure of the Terms of Reference for the International Contractor(s) to be commissioned for the development and implementation work with participating countries on the contextual questionnaires agreed among participants.
Enhancing PISA’s contextual questionnaires Agenda: Day One - 2.A – 2.B setting out the issues and getting participating countries and partner organisations, EFA GMR, to give their perspectives on these - 2. C learning from other assessment programmes and partners: PASEC, LLECE, STEP, EFA GMR
Enhancing PISA’s contextual questionnaires Agenda: Day Two 3.A – 3.B options for addressing the issues and challenges; out of school children issue 4.A main components of the ToR for the International Contractor(s)