Wednesday Jan. 25th, 2017 ALSO…how big is the ENTIRE human pop.? Do Now: Go to your word wall on pg. 3 and fill out the prediction for “Sustainability.” ALSO…how big is the ENTIRE human pop.? Wednesday Jan. 25th, 2017
Housekeeping… Attendance Objectives Stamp pg. 9-10? Stamp pg. 11? Last day to turn in work TOMORROW! No School Friday! 6th – Schedules!
Thinking about data…analyzing… You need paper and a pencil! We are going to quietly think about the information I am about to give you. We will have time to discuss the information later… For now, just think and listen If you think of something or an idea, write it down! If you have clarifying questions (you don’t quiet understand something), you may ask them.
The Human Population Explosion 1804 – 1 Billion people alive 123 years later (1927) – 2 Billion people alive 33 years later (1960) – 3 Billion people alive 14 years later (1974) – 4 Billion people alive 12 years later (1987) – 5 Billion people alive 12 years later (1999) – 6 Billion people alive 12 years later (2011) – 7 Billion people alive 6 years later (2017) – 7.5 Billion people alive
How big is 7.5 Billion really? Here are some different ways that might help you envision the enormousness of 7.5 billion: -- 7.5 billion seconds ago, the year was 1779. That was before the United States was created as a country…we declared independence in 1776. -- If you took 7.5 billion steps along the Earth's equator -- at 2 feet per step -- you could walk around the world at least 106 times. -- Suppose an average thimble holds 2 milliliters of water. 7.5 billion of those thimbles would fill at least five Olympic-sized swimming pools. -- 7.5 billion ants, at an average size of 3 milligrams each, would weigh 49,604 pounds…that’s 4 elephants If you tried to count to 7.5 billion at the rate of 1 number each second, it would take you 238 years…WITH NO SLEEP!
American Consumption… Americans constitute 4-5% of the world's population but consume 24% of the world's energy. On average, one American consumes as much energy as 2 Japanese 6 Mexicans 13 Chinese 31 Indians 128 Bangladeshis 307 Tanzanians 370 Ethiopians Americans eat 815 billion calories of food each day - that's roughly 200 billion more than needed - enough to feed 80 million people. Americans throw out 200,000 tons of edible food daily.
American Consumption… The average American generates 52 tons of garbage by age 75. The average individual daily consumption of water is 159 gallons, while more than half the world's population lives on 25 gallons. Fifty percent of the wetlands, 90% of the northwestern old-growth forests, and 99% of the tall-grass prairie have been destroyed in the last 200 years. There are more shopping malls than high schools.
Sentence Frames ON YOUR OWN – Complete 3 sentence frames about the ideas we have discussed so far ON a separate piece of paper!!: The human population explosion makes me think about ______________________. If everyone lived like you, how many Planet Earths would we need? _____________. This makes me feel _____________. After learning about some of this info, I feel _____________. I still have questions, like ______________________. All of this information makes me wonder ________________. I have an idea to help the world, by _________________. Wait, I am still confused by _________________. During the Tragedy of the Commons game I realized _______.