Xero (accounts, expenses + sales invoice) Accountant Email / Calendar Mailchimp Xero (accounts, expenses + sales invoice) Xtina Bank account Calendly Wordpress (eudaimonia-coaching.co.uk) Excel Paul Customer
Agent Process System Supporting system Customer Join mailing list Mailchimp (lead magnet within website) Wordpress Add customer to mailing list Mailchimp Book consultation Calendly Xtina Consultation N/A Send onboarding email Email Send thank you / feedback end of final session Follow up with customer Send blog/newsletter to stakeholders LinkedIn? Write blog Write newsletter Write survey Typeform Paul Update / amend website Create and send invoice to customer Xero Reconciliate expenses incurred Report on monthly KPIs Excel Google docs for storage Accountant Produce yearly tax return
No PDF downloadable / no prize draw Customer Customer LinkedIn Mailchimp List: Newsletter Website (Wordpress) https://www.eudaimonia-coaching.co.uk/purpose-series-social/ 0-7 Mailchimp campaign: PURPOSE SERIES (for Newsletter List) Typeform to capture feedback PDF link to free downloadable Mailchimp List: Eudaimonia LinkedIn Signup 1-7 Mailchimp campaign: PURPOSE SERIES (for LinkedIn List) Typeform to capture feedback Prize draw for free coaching sessions for those completing full feedback No PDF downloadable / no prize draw Award / inform winner