Student-Faculty Interaction Support for Learners Study Skills, Transition to College, Health Resources, Time Management Academic Challenge Meaningful connections to course objectives Student Effort Increase in motivation and student ownership Student-Faculty Interaction Faculty learn more about students and students feel more validated Active and Collaborative Learning Students can interact though creating eFolio & topic discussions
Community College Survey of Student Engagement Benchmarks for Century College 2005 2009 2011 Change 2005 to 2011 Active and Collaborative Learning 48.2 50.5 52.0 + 3.8 Student Effort 51.1 52.6 +1.5 Academic Challenge 50.8 50.9 52.2 + 1.4 Student-Faculty Interaction 44.1 47.6 50.3 + 6.2 Support for Learners 45.7 50.2 51.9
Reading 0080 AQIP Project Re-enrollment fall to spring rate Intense GPS Experience: All RDNG 0080 students required to complete (10% of their grade) – must meet with counselor for 25 minutes and create a 3-semester plan and also identify their goals for the semester and what GPS LifePlan resources they may use to help achieve these goals. They then meet with a student experience director for 5 minutes to pick 3 GPS activities to complete and write a short paragraph on each once completed.
How faculty Use the program SP09 14% 37% 38% Required 19% Extra 10% 12% 38% 16% Century College Faculty Survey Fall 2006 (N=130)
Faculty support of the program and view it as worthwhile (F2006) Century College Faculty Survey Fall 2006 (N=130)
Faculty support of the program and view it as worthwhile (SP 2009) Century College Faculty Spring 2009 (N=150)
Student rating of the program to help with career and education plans Century College Student Online Graduation Orientation Survey 2007
Student rating of the program to help with career and education plans Century College Student Online Graduation Orientation Survey 2009
Student rating of the program to help with career and education plans Note: Response of students who used the program N=1259.22 (62% who responded that they used the program) Excellent = 893.64 Good = 223.41 Average = 142.17 Bad = 0 Century College Student Online Graduation Orientation Survey 2009
The project coordinator keeps track of project details on this project site.