Increased dormancy of LKS CD150+ cells associated with steady-state aging. Increased dormancy of LKS CD150+ cells associated with steady-state aging. (A) Experimental scheme of transplantation. Young mice were transplanted with 7.5–10 × 104 CFSE-labeled LKS cells from young (8–12 wk old) or aged (64–72 wk old) mice and analyzed after 4 wk. (B) Representative dot plot analysis of lineage-depleted BM gated on donor Lin− cells. Dashed lines represent zero division. Number of donor LKS CD150+ cells having undergone indicated numbers of divisions were calculated. Graph shows mean ± SD (n = 3 mice from two to three independent experiments). Hitoshi Takizawa et al. J Exp Med 2011;208:273-284 © 2011 Takizawa et al.