Engineering Physics Update, 2-26-08 Follow-up on ABET Review 1. New Eng. Physics Industrial Advisory Board Industry Members: Charles Meador, Jeff Wilde, Jeff Stovall Bruce Pickelsheimer (All are Enphys. Alums) TTU Members: Richard Gale (Coordinator & Assoc. Eng. Dean) Charley Myles (Director, Phys.), Tim Dallas (Director, EE) Ken Rainwater (CE), Walt Oler (ME), Siva Parameswaran (CE) 2. First meeting last Thurs. A ~ 1 hour long conference call between us & the 4 industry members. A number of issues discussed. It went well. Industry members are aware that the program has had problems & are committed to helping us with it any way they can.
3. ABET review of last Oct: STILL don't have the official, written document, despite being told in Oct. that we would have it "before the end of Dec."! Don't know when it will come. See last month’s report for info about what preliminary report said. 4. Response to Preliminary Report last Oct: Program was criticized for not doing enough "outcomes assessment“. We’ve instituted a "portfolio" method of following the progress of each Enphys student. This means that, throughout their time here, we & the students keep copies of essentially all of the major exams & project reports they have. The Eng. Phys. Coordinator, Richard Gale is having Eng. Dean's office keep these records. 5. In contrast to his predecessor in this position, Richard Gale is strongly committed to the Engphys program & is determined to "fix it & make if viable again"!!
Another Engineering-Related Topic A “Liaison” Committee Between Engineering & A&S has been formed. 1. Members: Richard Gale (Chair, Eng. Assoc. Dean) David Roach (A&S Assoc. Dean), Charley Myles (Physics), Greg Gellene (Chem.), Math person (?), Walt Oler (ME), John Kobsa (IE), Chem E. person, some Engineering advising staff. 2. Met for the first time last Fri. Main topic was student advisement for intro. service courses that Math, Chemistry, & Physics teach primarily for engineers. Engineering requests that we hold certain sections of Phys. 1408 (or at least some seats in certain sections) for incoming freshman engineers only. Attempt will be to "block schedule" the courses so that the SAME group of engineering students will be together in many of the same classes & sections for most of their time at TTU. here. Walt Oler (ME) is working on this. He contacted us yesterday to about trying to get this implemented for the Fall of 2008.