Germany (Post WW1) Discuss Germany’s post WW1 situation with your partner. Hint: Think about the world during this time period. What is happening in other countries? Write: Summarize Germany’s post WW1 situation.
Hitler and the Nazis
Objective: Students will compare and contrast the various totalitarian governments of the 20th century and be measured through their Cornell notes, QWs, video questions, and exit slip.
Adolf Hitler Early Life WW1 Born in Austria (1889) Dropped out of high school due to poor grades Had aspirations to be an artist, but could not get into Art school in Vienna WW1 Was deemed “physically inadequate” for war in Austria and moved to Germany to enlist Throughout WW1, Hitler earned two iron cross medals for bravery (was a messenger and was only active for the first year of war)
JTPS Summarize Hitler’s early life. Predict: How will his early life affect his future? Elaborate on your prediction.
Rise of the Nazis Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party or Nazis was a small Fascist group whose goal was to Combat the Treaty of Versailles Stop communism from spreading in Germany Hitler joined the group in 1919 He started as the group’s advertiser and within a short period was chosen to be the party’s leader because of his commitment and intensity
Nazism Party logo = the swastika, or hooked cross Uniform color = brown Nazism = Germany’s brand of fascism (He was infatuated with Mussolini’s mass rallies and later copied those tactics)
1923 In 1923, the Nazis tried to lead a revolution in Germany, but failed and Hitler was arrested (treason) He was sentenced to 5 years in prison During his jail time, he wrote a book titled “Mein Kampf” (My Struggle) This book set forth his beliefs and his goals for Germany The book became so popular and the Nazi party ended up growing so much that he was released from jail in only 9 months
JTPS Describe the importance of Hitler’s book: Mein Kampf. What was it mainly about and how did it affect Germany and the Nazi party? Explain.
Depression Hits Germany When American loans stopped, the German economy collapsed Factories halted and banks closed 6 million Germans were unemployed Frightened and confused they turned to Hitler
Germany becomes a Totalitarian State The Nazis became the largest political party by 1932 and the German government had no choice but to legally proclaim him the Chancellor and Fuhrer (All political and military control) Once in power, Hitler banned all other political parties Created a unit called the SS or (protection squad) New laws banned strikes and dissolved labor unions Turned to the press, radio, literature, painting, and film (used propaganda) Brainwashed the youth of Germany
JTPS Compare Hitler’s Nazi party to Mussolini’s Fascist party and Stalin’s Communist party. Find similarities and differences.
Hitler: The New Dictator Hitler fixes German economy Constructed more factories Built highways Manufactured weapons Encouraged many to join the military Lebensraum (or living space, expansion) Promised to expand Germany and acquire more territory
JTPS In order for Hitler to push Germany out of the Depression, what would he be violating? List and explain how he would be violating those terms.
Hitler and the Jews Anti-Semitism – Hatred of Jews (was a key part of Nazi ideology and stated in his book “Mein Kampf”) He used the Jews as a scapegoat and blamed them for everything that was wrong with Germany Losing WW1 The Depression Created laws that would allow violence against the Jews Used science to claim that Jews were inferior and that they weakened Germany
JTPS What is anti-Semitism and in your opinion, why does it still exist today? What are the dangers of hatred in today’s society?