Effective Congregational Advocacy in New Jersey
There are many ways to advocate for UU values in the public square
Effective Local Advocacy in New Jersey on the Congregational Level Do a Social Justice Self Assessment Affiliate with UUPLAN and/or UU FaithAction NJ Figure out how your congregation can speak with one voice on issues of major and immediate public concern Build and maintain local coalitions using an anti-racist/anti- oppressive/promulticultural lens
Why Affiliation Agreements (and Updating & Publicizing Them) Are (or Should Be) Powerful Social Justice Tools in Our Toolbelt A unified Unitarian Universalist justice witness mobilizes POWER and RESOURCES for more effective legislative lobbying, community organizing and social justice advocacy in our state. The principles of our faith call us to challenge and change policies and structures that inhibit human development, harm the environment, and destroy communities as well as lift up models of cooperation, equity, justice and compassion in our congregations and wider community. These are SPIRITUAL as well as ADVOCACY TOOLS. A statewide network means an amplification of resources, of our voices, of our shared Principles
How Does it Work? Member congregations, through delegates to Plenary (Annual Meeting), have the power to elect the Board of Trustees, approve the annual budget and take similar action. Congregations agree to provide at least one congregational liaison for at least a year’s term Liaisons agree to a monthly participation in the statewide liaisons’ conference call, acting as the communications link between FaithAction and [Congregation] and generating interest and support for our mutual social justice efforts at meetings and weekly services. Congregations, through their active members and delegates, help set FaithAction’s agenda at the annual Issues Conference held each fall. Our issues are thereby our SHARED issues from the start.
MUUSICfest Member congregations understand that, in the course of advocating for positions consistent with Unitarian Universalist principles and its stated policy positions, FaithAction and PPN (our c4 lobbying arm) may advise the public, government entities, other organizations, and elected officials that it is an affiliated member of FaithAction and PPN and supports its stated policy positions. Member congregations shall publicize and host events sponsored by FaithAction. These include the Issues Conference, the Annual Meeting/Plenary, and MUUSICfest, as well as regional conferences, panel discussions, forums, or talks. A serious, membership-based financial commitment from congregations is critical. Without adequate financing, this ministry cannot function as it should and can.