Ender’s Game Vocab Part 1
Malleable ADJ Adaptable, persuadable, tractable “He’s too malleable. Too willing to submerge himself in someone else’s will.” (1)
2. Rescind Verb To invalidate by a later action to a higher authority; to abrogate and revoke, repeal “If they could, he was sure they would like to rescind the waiver that had allowed him to be born at all.” (5)
3. Supine Adj Lying on the back, face, or front upward; reclined “So Ender walked to Stilson’s supine body and kicked him again, viciously, in the rib.” (7)
4. Vivisect Verb To dissect the living body of an animal “We’re gonna vivisect you, bugger. At long last we’ve got one of you alive, and we’re going to see how you work.” (12)
5. Extenuating Adj Serving to make a fault offense, etc. appear less serious “We’re willing to consider extenuating circumstances,” the officer said (19)
6. Renounced Verb To give up or put aside voluntarily, to give up by formal declaration, to repudiate or disown “He changed his name, renounced his religion, and vowed never to have more than the two allotted children.” (22)
7. Unstintingly Adv Generously or abundantly, without reservation or limit “Completely, unstintingly, she’s devoted to you, and you adore her.” (23)
8. Scrupulously Adv Having or showing a strict regard for what one considers right; principled “The boy sitting next to Ender was scrupulously careful not to touch him” (34)
9. Emulate Verb To try to equal or excel, imitate with effort to equal or surpass “It was the other boys he wanted to play. The boys who had been so trained by the computer that even when they played against each other they tried to emulate the computer.”
10. Grisly Adj Horrible, gruesome, formidable, grim “This was supposed to be a game. Not a choice between his own grisly death and an even worse murder” (65)