German-Japanese Energy Transition Council 2018-2020
Consortium Organized by Financed by Supported by Media Partner German Japanese Energy Transition Council
Structure of the Council JAPAN GERMANY Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Japan (METI) Financing DBU + Stiftung Mercator Federal Foreign Office Chair: Prof. Masakazu Toyoda Management Chair: Prof. Dr. Peter Hennicke Organization & Scientific Secretariat Institute of Energy Economics Japan (IEEJ) Organization/Consulting ECOS Consult Scientific Secretariat Wuppertal Institute Council Members Dr. Felix Matthes Prof. Dr. Miranda Schreurs Prof. Dr. Jun Arima Prof. Dr. Yasumasa Fujii Dr. Harry Lehmann Prof. Dr. Andreas Löschel Prof. Dr. Toshiharu Ikaga Prof. Dr. Koji Nomura Dr. Stefan Thomas Dr. Carsten Rolle Junichi Ogasawara Prof. Kazuhiko Takeuchi Franzjosef Schafhausen Manfred Rauschen German Japanese Energy Transition Council
Dialogue-oriented and Knowledge-based Operation The Expert Council Independent work Meetings: 2x per year (Japan & Germany) Decision about thematic priorities Allocation of studies on strategic topics Processing by German-Japanese Consortium Different research positions desired, in order to prevent bias Reports Exchange with Parliamentarians Exchange with Industry Exchange with Society: Website, Social Media Communication Channels German Japanese Energy Transition Council
Core: Scientifically based output German-Japanese Energy Transition Council 2 Council Meetings per year, Stakeholder Dialogues Study Program: 2 main studies + working groups on different bottleneck topics OUTPUT Final Report: Policy Recommendations, Summaries for Politics and Public German Japanese Energy Transition Council
Transformation Analysis Transformation Analysis Study Program & Working Groups: consistent and user-friendly study format Japan Germany Inventory Transformation Analysis Inventory Transformation Analysis National Recommendations National Recommendations Comparative Analysis Lessons Learned Transferability Dissemination German Japanese Energy Transition Council
Roadmap I: 2018/2019 5th Council meeting Working phase between meetings Introduction of New Council Members, RoP, timetable Presentation of 2 studies Set-up of topical working groups (WG1+2) and facilitating working groups: facilitators/coordinators, authors, agreement on issues of interest, time table, etc. Presentation by external experts Facilitating working groups: Coordinate with study groups Comment on interim reports Topical working groups: WG 1, WG2 Draft output paper (I) by authors Invitation of external experts by coordinators 11 12 1 2 2018 2019 Month German Japanese Energy Transition Council November 2018
Roadmap II: 2019 6th Council meeting Working phase between meetings Facilitating groups: Discussion of preliminary results of the 2 studies Topical working groups: Discussion on draft output papers Possibly presentation by external experts Set-up of working group WG3: nomination of coordinators, agreement on issues of interest, time table Other potential WG topics for FY2 Facilitating working group: Summary for GJETC interim report 3 4 5 6 7 8 Topical working group + secretariats: Finalization and publication of output papers (I) on WG1 and WG2 Draft Output Paper on WG 3 Prepare or start WG work on new topic(s) (WG4) Outreach Event 2019 Month German Japanese Energy Transition Council November 2018
Roadmap III: 2019 / 2020 7th Council meeting Working phase between meetings Presentation on the results to date of the 2 Studies Presentation of Output papers WG 1 (final), 2 (final), 3 (draft) Set-up of topical working group (WG4): topic, nomination of coordinators, agreement on issues of interest, time table Possibly presentation by external experts Planning on Publication Facilitating working groups: Continued coordination with study team (facilitator) Comments on final study reports (facilitator) Summary for GJETC final report 9 10 11 12 1 2 Topical working groups+secretariats: draft + finalization of Output papers (II) by authors Outreach Event 2018 2020 Month German Japanese Energy Transition Council November 2018
Roadmap IV: 2020 8th Council meeting Working phase after meeting 2020 Presentation and comments on final reports of the 2 studies Presentation and discussion of final Output papers on WG 3 + 4 Decision on the Council´s findings, conclusions and recommendations Decision on publication and future activities Topical working groups+secretariats: Finalization and publication of Output papers (II) by authors 3 4 Public closing conference (tbd) 2020 Month German Japanese Energy Transition Council November 2018